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(Art from Pinterest! All credit to original artist!)

[Rui POV]

(Y/N) seems more busy than ever.

When I go over to her house to walk with her to  school, her mother always tells me that she's gone off already.

I haven't seen her around the hallways at all. Even Mizuki mentioned how (Y/N) spent most of the lessons reading a thick book.

This behavior doesn't stop there. At practice, she seems to have her head in the clouds. She rarely ever talks to us, unless she's rehearsing her lines.

Today is no different, I'd asked Mizuki if they could figure what's bothering (Y/N).

Maybe the rumors were finally starting to get to her. Nene mentioned how some of her own classmates had been spreading false information about (Y/N).

I want to help her, but how can I if she usually nowhere to be seen?

The rumors started out basic. They were mostly about how she 'cheated', even though she didn't. Yet, they went from harmless rumors to outright lies.

Someone managed to find out more about (Y/N's) personal life, and how she was the daughter of one of the most successful businessmen in Japan. To make things worse, now many believe (Y/N) is capable of buying her teachers in order to automatically give her top scores.

I can't help but wonder if that first year has anything to do with these outrageous claims.

At lunch, we'd all decided to eat near the courtyard, underneath the shaded trees. As expected, (Y/N) was nowhere to be found.

"(Y/N's) starting to worry me..." Nene took a small bite out of her sandwich. Tsukasa worked on putting a picnic blanket down for us to sit on.

"I heard she was busy with University exams and what not." Tsukasa sat down and patted the area next to him.

Nene continued to eat her sandwich while I ate some of Tsukasa food when he wasn't looking.

"Did she mention why? After the school exams, she literally said how much she hates studying. So why would she suddenly go back to it?" I asked Tsukasa. He thought for a minute before shrugging, unsure of what to say.

Nene continued to eat her sandwich, also occasionally stealing some of Tsukasa's strawberries.

Clearing my throat, I looked over at Tsukasa. "I'm going to bring (Y/N) here, any clue on her whereabouts?"

"She's not answering her phone." Nene held her phone in one hand while eating a strawberry on with the other.

"I'm guessing the library, or an empty classroom." Tsukasa's eyes widen, as if he just realized something. "Toya helps out in the library! I can ask him if he's seen her there! If not, then we could ask Shiraishi."

Standing back on my feet, I headed back inside the school building.


The halls were quite empty, most of the students were at the cafeteria or elsewhere. I had a gut feeling I'd find (Y/N) in the library, it's like a sacred place for her.

Inside the library, many students were chatting it up while eating. Surprisingly, the librarian payed no mind to it.

Walking around, I found (Y/N) near the corner of the library, hidden behind bookshelves. She seemed to be eating and doing work.

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