Get Out of Bed Brother!

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It was a fine sunny morning, with birds singing in the trees, and the sound of someone whistling accompanying them.

The smell of bacon and eggs being cooked in the kitchen could be smelt all throughout the Kamisato Estate, as it wafted around on the early morning wind.

"Ahh~ it's such a wonderful morning." A certain blonde man spoke contently, "I better go wake up My Lord." He says, as he turned off the stove and walks up the stairs greeting a young bluenette girl on the way.

Knock, Knock... Knock, Knock... "My Lord~ Breakfast is ready! Please come down to the dining room when you are ready!" The blonde housekeeper called through the door.

"Mn..." is all he heard from the other side of the door.

"I expect to see you down in five minutes, My Lord. Otherwise, your food will be cold." The green-eyed man said as he attempted to persuade his lord to get out of bed from the opposite side of the door.

"Mhm..." is all he hears back from his lord.

"Ha... Okay, I'll leave, but please come down soon, so that you may have a warm breakfast." The housekeeper sighed as he spoke.

"Mn." Replied his master sleepily, as the blonde housekeeper walked away from the door, and back to the kitchen, walking through the dining room as he went.


"Is my brother up yet?" The young bluenette spoke softly from her place by the table on the floor.

"No, he isn't my lady. He is being quite stubborn today." The housekeeper replied reluctantly.

"Okay... I was hoping that he would join us for breakfast this morning."

"Yes, I too, hoped he would join us. But it seems he has pulled another all nighter for work."

"Ahh... that would explain the stubbornness."

"Yes. I shall put his breakfast into a sealed container to keep his food warm, until he decides to eat."

"That would be good. I'm sure he will appreciate that."

"I hope so..."

"How about I go and try waking him up myself? He may listen to me."

"That is a good idea! I will lay the table whilst you are waking my lord, my lady."

"Okay then, I shall go wake up my brother."

"Thankyou My Lady!" The blonde housekeeper says gratefully with a smile.

"No problem, Thoma!" The bluenette replies.

"Also please just call me Ayaka! You have been the housekeeper, and a good friend of mine for a long time now. I insist!" She says as she walks out.

"Yes, Ayaka!" Thoma replies cheerfully, as he walks back to the kitchen.


"Brother~ Wake up~ Thoma has prepared a wonderful breakfast for us. We were hoping that you would join us." Ayaka says softly in a sing song voice, as she walks into her elder brothers bedroom.

"Mn..." is all she gets as a reply from the human shaped pile of blankets on the bed.

"Oh, come on! You need to stop pulling these all-nighters. Thoma and I have missed you during our mealtimes, these past few days! Please think about how Thoma and I are feeling, brother."

"Ughh... No... I wanna sleep!" The elder bluenette says grumpily in a sleepy tone.

"Really brother?! Ugh! One!"




"Two and a quarter!"

"Nuo..." the elder brother says as he grips onto the blankets tighter.

"THREE!" Ayaka, says loudly yanking the blankets off of her brother, and out of his grip.

"NO!! Ugh... I just want to sleep..." he says grumpily, turning into a ball in his light blue pajamas.

"Come on Brother! Breakfast time!" Ayaka says angrily, pulling at her brothers ankles trying to pull him out of bed.

"Let go of me, you savage!" He whines grumpily, holding onto the railing of his bed for dear life.

"Umm... is this a bad time?" Thoma says standing at the door looking at the scene before him.

"Perfect timing, Thoma! Help me get brother out of his bed!" Ayaka says happily.

"Nuo... Thoma! Help me! I just want to sleep!" the elder bluenette whines at Thoma, making a pouting face.

"I'm sorry, My Lord, but it is time to get up." Thoma says with a sigh, as he walks over to the bed with the bluenette hanging off of it.

He bends over and places his arms underneath the elder bluenette's stomach and picks him up with ease, causing Ayaka to let go of her brothers ankles and giggle.

Turning the elder bluenette over in his arms, the startled bluenette quickly wraps his arms around the green-eyed man's neck as Thoma settles with carrying him bridal style out of his room and down the stairs to the dining room, that had steaming plates of bacon and eggs placed around the table.

Ayaka follows suit with Thoma down to the dining room, sitting down in her previous position at the table, with her back facing the open bamboo sliding doors to outside.

Thoma sets the elder bluenette down, at the head of the table in front of his plate of bacon and eggs, but the bluenette doesn't let his arms down from around the blonde man's neck.

"Umm... My Lord? Could you please let go?" Thoma asks awkwardly.

"No. I want you to sit with me." The bluenette ordered.

"But My Lord I will be...I'm just on the other side of the table." Thoma asks confusedly.

"No. I want you to sit next to me, right here." He says as he pats the floor next to him with one hand.

Thoma takes this chance to slip out of grasp and goes and sits down on his end of the table. Making the elder bluenette puff his cheeks up and pout.

"I'm sorry My Lord, but I would like to eat my breakfast, before I start on the chores for today."

"Hmf." The elder bluenette, pouts grumpily.

"Cute~" Thoma thinks, watching his master pout.

"Haha, as much I love to watch you two playing fight, I would like to eat, so let's get digging in shall we? Hm? Ayato? What do you think?" Ayaka asks her elder brother.

"Fine." Ayato replies still pouting that Thoma wouldn't sit beside him.

"Thanks for the food!" they all say simultaneously as they start to dig in.

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