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After breakfast Ayato was properly awake and had gone to shower and get ready for the day.

"Thoma! Excuse me, I shall be going into town for the day to meet up with Yoimiya, to help her with her store and some other things she needs help with today." Ayaka stated happily.

"Okay, My L- Ayaka, I will let My Lord know, when he comes out of the shower."

"Thankyou Thoma! I will see you this evening in time for dinner!"

"Yes Ayaka, I will see you then, Goodbye!" Thoma waved as Ayaka left the main estate.

"Now time to get to doing my chores! Let's do this!" Thoma thought positively as he walked to the closet in the hallway that help most of the cleaning equipment. He grabbed a mop and bucket out of the closet, as he planned to mop the floors first.

"Okay, I just need to fill this with water, and then I can get started!" Thoma said to himself.

Thoma went outside with the bucket and filled it with cold water, which he then made lukewarm using his vision.

'Okay! Let's start!' Thoma thought to himself as he walked into the house with the bucket of lukewarm water and started mopping, humming a sweet tune as he went.

"Hm~ hm-hm~ hm-hmmmmm~ hm-hm-hm~ hm~ hm~ hm~" as he hummed as he mopped the floor cheerily and swayed his hips in slight dancing motion.

When he was getting close to finishing mopping the floors, he was only a few feet from Ayato's office on the second floor.

Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, as a head rested on his shoulder, this action made him flinch and stop dead, he nearly drops the mop in surprise too.

"Umm... My Lord?" Thoma asked hesitantly, knowing that he was the only person who would hug him like this.

"Shhh... I'm recharging." Ayato shushed.

"Okay, My Lord... but, umm... I still need to finish mopping, and I'm nearly done. Do you think you could wait for a couple minutes as I finish? Then you can recharge."

"Hmm..." Ayato hummed in thought, "Fine, but you have to come to my office as soon as you are done."

"Okay, My Lord."

"Good. I'll see you in a few minutes." Ayato said as he let go of Thoma's waist, and walked back to his office, leaving Thoma standing there with a very red face.

'What just happened?... I have to finish mopping, so that I can see My Lord. Yes. Okay, let's finish up.' Thoma thought confused and determined.

Thoma quickly finished up and put everything away and chucked the used water out on the garden.

As he was done, he walked up the Ayato's office.

Knock, Knock. Thome knocked on the day as a way of asking to come in.

"Come in~" He heard from the other side of the door.

"Yes, My Lord." Thoma replied as he opened the door, stepped in, and closed the door behind him.

"What did you need My Lord?" Thoma asked, forgetting that Ayato had called him to recharge.

"I need recharging." Ayato said with a straight face, putting away the papers in front of him.

"What do you mean by the My Lord?" Thoma asks questioningly.

"Come here Thoma." Ayato orders, as he signals for Thoma to come near with his finger.

"Yes, My Lord." Thoma says as he walks over, to next to Ayato.

Ayato looks up at Thoma and turns his body so that he was facing Thoma with his whole body.

He reaches out his finger and latches it around Thoma's dog tag necklace, leaving Thoma confused. Ayato suddenly pulls on the necklace with Thoma off guard, he falls onto Ayato's lap. Thoma falls in an attempted manner to not hit his Lord, which ended up with him placing his arms on either side of Ayato's head and his hands gripping on the top of the chair to stop himself from falling any further.

With his way of falling, Thoma ended up in a kabedon looking position, and his face being very close to his Lord's.

Without wasting a moment Ayato unlatches his finger from Thoma's necklace, and places his hand on the blonde's back pushing him into his lap, making sure to have his other arm out of the way and ready to hug the green-eyed man.

As soon as Thoma falls into Ayato's lap, his head falls onto his Lord's shoulder, and his legs spread apart to let him sit more comfortably, and his hands land on Ayato's chest, as Ayato hugs him tightly, and nuzzles his head into Thoma's neck.

"My Lord? What are you doing?"

"I'm recharging my dear Thoma."

"Umm... Okay." Thoma says as a rosy blush settles on his face.

They stay like that for a while in a comfortable silence, just soaking in each other's presence. Both of them have pink blushes and small smiles on their faces as they sit comfortably. Until Thoma opens his eyes and looks at the clock on the wall, and sees the time.

He suddenly starts to panic, and pushes away from Ayato, sitting up straight. Leaving Ayato highly confused.

"What's wrong Thoma? Are you not comfortable?" Ayato asks worried that Thoma was not liking his presence.

"No, My Lord, I am very comfortable! Really! I just noticed the time and realized that I really should be getting on with my chores, and you with your work." Thoma says frantically.

"Oh... Yes, I suppose you should be getting on with your chores..." Ayato says sadly.

Thoma notices the sad expression and gets worried that he had upset his Lord.

"How about I come back later tonight and you "recharge" some more? Does that sound good?"

At the blonde man's words Ayato immediately perks up, and nods enthusiastically.

"Ooh, yes. That would be good! How about this time instead of "recharging" here, we can "recharge" in my bedroom? It would be more comfortable that way."

"Um, sure!" Thoma says with a smile, making his blush deepen. "I should be going now. I'll see you tonight." Thoma says as he gets up and walks put the door.


"Ahh~ he's so cute~" Ayato sighs as he watches Thoma leave his office, closing the door behind him.

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