a second chance- Jung Hoseok

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TRIGGER WARNING- selfharm, fainting.

i just woke up with the biggest headache of my Life, i didn't eat yesterday and i hadn't taken a shower in weeks. -HOBI, BREAKFAST, Jin shouted up the stairs. i didn't want to eat but i knew i had to, i managed to pull myself up from the bed and make my way to the kitchen. the strong smell of eggs and bacon made mw want to puke. i sat domn at the table with everyone else. the other members ate with confidence meanwhile i sat and played with my food. -what is it? Namjoon asked. - i'm just not hungry, thats all. i said.- if you're not hungry, i'll put you're food in the fridge. Namjoon said and stood up from his seat. he took the food and put it in the fringe.

i stood up and walked upstairse to my room. i was feeling somthing and i knew that feeling. i opened my closet and took out a tiny box containing razors. i looked at them with a smile and jumped om my bed. i started to make tiny cut on both wrists but it wasn't enough. each one got bigger and bigger until i realized what i hade done. it wouldn't stop bleading, no matter what i did. i starten to feel cold and Dizzy. i stumbled down the stairs into the living room and was met with whide Eyes and screams. the bloodloss made me fall and bang my head against the stone tiles, i feld a warm puddle cover my head until i passed out.

Jungkooks pov

me, namjoon, yoongi, tae-tae, jin and jimin was playing mario-cart in the living room. we all Heard hobi walk down stairs and i thoungt he wanted to play with us. so i looked at him and i was met with horror. he was bleeding everywhere and it wasn't stoping. my scream made all the others look. they all scrreamed as loud as i did. we all stood up and ran to him but he fell and hit the ground hard with a bang. namjoon lifted his head and saw blood seeping throuh his hair and arms. -CALL 911! he shouted. i did as he told me to.

911 whats you're emergency?- my freand tried to kill himself. he cut both of his wrists and he banged his head on the floor. i said. - is you're friend breathing? -no he isn't. nammjoon said. -can you put you're phone on speaker for me? the operator ansked. -yeah. i responded. - what i need you to do is to lay you're friend flat on his back, can you do that for me? -yeah. nammjoon said. -now what? i need you to put you're hands together and press hard into his chest 30 times, and when youre done that you have to give him air manuelly 5 times. -okay, i'll try. namjoon responded. -1, 2, 3, 4, 5....30. -now give him some air. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. -continue like that until the paramedics arrive.

10 min later.

Namjoons pov

please wake up hobi. suddenly i Sharp breath caught my eye.- HOSEOK! i screamed right before the paramedics arrived. - we'll take it frome here. they said.

4 houres later

it was starting to become late and all the other members where sleeping in the waiting room, but i was still awake, scared to lose him. i was crying quietly when the doctors came to us. - we where able to stitch him up, we gave him some fluids and some food, so he sould be awake right now. the main doctor said.

-wake up guys, we can go see him. i wisperd. we all followed the doctor to hobi's room. when whe got inside everyone ran to him, including me. crying and hugging him. - I'm sorry hyung hoseok quietly said. - you have nothing to be sorry about, we love you no matter what happens. i responded.

-we would like to keep him here for a 72h psych hold, just to monitor him. the doktors told us. - okay. hobi, we will visit you every day and bring you food, candy and lots of love. i said. hobi laughed and hugged me.

3 years later

it's been 3 years since the incident. and I'm going to therapy once every week, just to be on the safe side.

the end.

(Words 378)

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