lack of sleep and alot of energy drinks - hoseok

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Request made by Setsuuetsu

Hoseok's pov

It was a late Sunday night, and i decided to drink a few cans of energy drinks and play games on my computer. "Hobi! it's time to go to bed!"- Namjoon shouted. okay, i responded.

5 hours later

i looked at my phone "3 AM"- i screamed then suddenly realized that everybody was sleeping. i turned of my computer and quietly went into my and Jimin's room.

i woke up from Namjoon's harsh voice echoing through our room making me alert. "Wake up hobi, whe're late for dance practice!"

i shot up from bed getting dizzy but thought nothing of it. i put on some clothes and ran down stairs, i took about 6 or 7 energy drinks out of the fridge and hurried out to the car.

In the car

i drank every last sip out of every can that i took with me. "you should probebly not drink so many all at once, it's not good for the heart." Jimin said. i know but i was up late last night and i don't want to ruin dance practice today. i replied.

At dance practice

we started dancing black swan and idol, two of our hardest songs. everyone where dancing so perfectly when it started, hy heart.

i stumbled and my dance got really sloppy when Yoongi asked me if i was okay. "yeah i'm fine.." i wasn't.

i couldn't feel my heartbeat anymore. as i fell to the ground i heard the music stop and heavy footsteps running for me, and Before i knew it.... Everything went black.

Namjoon's pov

we where all dancing perfectly until Yoongi stopped and walked to Hobi. he said that he was okay when he collapsed and hit the floor with a bang.

"HOBI!" i screamed as everyone ran to him. "are you okay!? wake up buddy!". i proceded to listen to his heart, not hearing anything i shouted to call 911. i started to do CPR as we waited for the ambulance.

"Paramedic, please step awey from the patient!". they proceded to place these big stickers on his chest and Before i knew it, his body tensed from the shock. as they where going to do the second shock, i ran up to him and tutched him, as i did i heard shouting with an unpleasent pain going through my body. "WE ARE GOING TO NEED ANOTHER AMBULANCE HERE". the paramedics said harshly into his radio on his right shoulder. i didn't know what to do, i could just lay there as one of the paramedics attended to me. "hey, stay with me bud" he said as i was getting treated. "i'm sorry" was all i could say as everything went dark.

At the hospital ( Still Namjoon's pov )

i woke up to a white room hooked up to a machine that monitored my heart. i sat up quickly aand was met with dizzyness but i didn't care at this point, all i wanted right now was to see if Hobi was alright. i pulled of the stickers that where attached to my body and thore out the IV, i started to bleed from my arm but i didn't care. i ran out and started to look for my members as blood was dripping everywhere. doctors, nurses and security where running after me. they got a hold of me, but as i was kicking and telling them to let me go, i felt a stinging pain. they where trying to sedate me. i headbutted the security guard and got up again, running and stumbeling away as they where following me. i got to the stairs and started to go down but i started to feel really dizzy. i fell down the stairs and hit my head pretty heard. i looked up and saw the doctor standing over me calling for help. as the other nurses and doctors came Everything started to go black but i couldn't give up yet. i got up once again but failed. i was held down by the other staff as i was given another shot. then everything whent black.

i woke up in a different room from Before. in the room where two shairs and a table. the bed i was laying was next to a big locked window. i tried to get up but i relized that i was cuffed to the bed. i looked up and saw my members gatherd around me, asking if i was okay, but the only thing that i couldn't get my mind of was Hoseok. i sat up in my bed and started to look around me. then it caught my eyes. it was Hoseok. walking to me, he was in a light blue gown and held his IV-pole. i started to cry as the nurse uncuffed me. " i thought you died.." i wimperd as tears wher Rolling down my cheek. "i'll never die as long we are together." Hobi responded as we hugged.

"lets go home now."

The End ( Words 842 )

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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