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He ran through the alley with his friend tailing behind him, taking deep breaths between the running.

His eyes scanned the surroundings, desperately searching for something.

"Kai! Look, that's Yuta's bag!" his friend shouted, pointing towards their friend's belongings.

Without a second thought, they sprinted towards the spot, calling out Yuta's name, "Yuta! Yuta!!"

"Kai, that's Yuta!" their friend gasped as Yuta hurled himself into the river. "Yuta!!" they screamed, racing towards the fence.

"Wait! It's too dangerous!!" Kai ignored the warnings and leaped into the river. "Oi!! Kai!!"

"Tch!" one by one, his friends followed suit, plunging into the cold water. "Keita!! Keep an eye on them! I'll call our parents!"

Keita nodded, anxiety gripping his heart as he watched his friends getting dangerously close to the waterfall.

With gritted teeth, he muttered, "Damn it!" before diving into the river.


"These guys!! Dad, big problem! And Raira! Stop eating! We in big trouble!!"


Kai felt a splash of water on his face, causing him to jolt awake. Blinking, he saw someone familiar standing in front of him, grinning mischievously as he splashed more water.

"Yuta!" Kai exclaimed, standing up abruptly. Yuta flashed a peace sign, but Kai swatted his hand away. "No time for peace signs! You scared us when you fell into the river!"

Yuta nonchalantly wiped his hand, "Relax, Kai-chan. Aren't that what I usually do after midnight training? Why were you all so worried? I even heard Kou-chan screaming. It was almost like music to my ears."

Kai scowled, ""We were told by Hai-, that guy trick me!!" Yuta raised an eyebrow, "You mean us, Kai-kun?" Kai nodded before suddenly gagging and turning pale. "Ah!"

Yuta covered his ears, while Naoya raised an eyebrow. "Naoya, didn't I tell you to stand in front of me?! I might accidentally elbow you!" Naoya sighed, "You should be used to it by now, Kai-kun." Kai winced and glanced around in confusion.

"Where are we?" he asked. Yuta shrugged, "No idea, not my usual landing spot." Kai eyed Yuta suspiciously, "How many times have you jumped into the river anyway?" Yuta scratched his head, "Can't keep count."

Kai pinched Yuta's cheek, "I swear, I'll be keeping a close eye on you from now on." Yuta frowned. "Don't you think this forest has more trees than before?" Naoya chimed in, making them all look around.

Yuta added, "My secret comic stash should have been here." Kai glared at him, "And the stairs are gone too."

"Where are we?!" Yuta demanded. "You should know this place!" Kai shout. Yuta wandered over to some bushes, rummaging through them.

"Found it. Let's go." Yuta led the way out of the forest, with Kai and Naoya following closely.

Upon escaping the forest, Kai and Naoya breathed a sigh of relief. Yuta, however, looked puzzled.

"Isn't it strange? Our clothes should be wet, but they're not. And it strange that we don't even recognize this place?" Kai and Naoya checked themselves and realized Yuta was right.

"Did we travel back in time?"


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