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'This has to be a mistake'

Sakusa Kiyoomi's hands trembled as his eyes raked over the piece of paper. Surely this cannot be right, it must be a typo, a misprint, surely the universe doesn't hate him that much, right?

He was glaring a hole into the piece of paper that would show who he would be sharing a dorm with. He had hoped to try and get a single one, so that he wouldn't have to share his space with anyone, but clearly the universe did hate him.

Sakusa Kiyoomi
Miya Atsumu

Sakusa didn't know if he wanted to scream in anger or cry in despair. Of course he did neither, not wanting to bring attention to himself, but inside he was slowly being overcome by panic. He needed to get outside immediately to breath.

'Hey, Omi!'

Their shoulders bumped rather harshly, harsher than Sakusa intended as he stormed past Atsumu. His face dropped into a frown, not that Sakusa would have noticed as he stormed past him, towards the door that lead outside.

Why did it have to be Miya? He probably would have been happier with Bokuto or Hinata. That was a fat lie, he would dig his own grave if that was the case.
Atsumu was the last person he would want to be around. He didn't even consider it happening, everyone knew they didn't get along. They both hated each other, the only words outside of the court spoken between them were rude, snarky comments.

Miya Astumu was infuriating. He was loud, obnoxious, and would purposely weasel his way under Sakusa's skin whenever there was a chance.

He dropped his black face mask to rest on his chin as he took deep breaths to calm himself. He hated this, absolutely despised it, but tried to convince himself it wouldn't be too bad.
He would set rules, boundaries, that he would make sure Atsumu respected.

Thinking about it rationally, Miya Atsumu wasn't horrific when it came to respecting Sakusa's boundaries. When he first joined the team, everyone had surrounded him like a pack of wolves, Bokuto Koutarou almost enveloping him in a 'welcome hug' before Atsumu hauled the boy away, telling him to learn about personal space.

He was confused at first, like all of them were, but they got over it. They stood far enough away from him, never touched him or his stuff. It was different on the court, Sakusa Kiyoomi was a totally different person when he played. But as soon as the whistle blew he was gone like the wind, scrubbing himself raw in the showers before anyone else had the chance to contaminate them.

'Omi, why did ya run? That was kinda rude y'know, roomie'

He had never truly considered violence before, but it weighed on his mind heavily as a head of blonde hair came into his view. His heart had since calmed, and the rise of a familiar panic had simmered back down, but the anger was still there.

'Why did it have to be you?'
He had pulled his mask back up, but you could still see the irritation in his eyes, eyebrows knitting close together.

Atsumu's smile faltered, and he let out a half assed chuckle.
'I'm not that bad, Omi'

'You are, Miya. You are insufferable'

Sakusa stormed away, dufflebag clutched tightly in his pale hand as he headed towards his doom, room 105.


Atsumu had let Sakusa go into the dorm first. Not like he would have had a choice as he had basically ran there and slammed the door shut behind him.
He sighed, suddenly feeling very defeated.

He knew Sakusa Kiyoomi didn't like him. He made sure it was clear every day they were in each other's presence. Yet, despite all the insults and death glares, they never hurt before.
This time it did.

Was it wrong for Atsumu to feel excited to live with him? He thought he might finally have the chance to get to know the wing spiker better, maybe establish an actual friendship with him. But that excitement was very quickly shut down, and this time he actually felt a pain in his chest because of it.

Not a lot of people knew about Astumu's self doubts and insecurities. The boys in Inarizaki knew, Osamu obviously knew, but he tried not to bring them with him this time.
Yet he was constantly battling them when people weren't looking, and he wasn't wearing his heart warming smile on his face.

Sakusa had hurt him this time, and he wasn't sure what to do with that information.

Sakusa was busy stressing himself out in the dorm. Luckily, their dormitories were apartment style, which let them have their own bathroom instead of a communal one, which would make life even more harder for Sakusa.
They also had a small kitchen and living area, and their bedrooms were separate. Maybe the universe felt pity on him for a moment?

He cleaned it straight away. After inspection, it had already been cleaned and ready for people to live in, but he had to do a thorough 'Kiyoomi clean' before he would feel comfortable.

He had just finished scrubbing down the shower tiles when an almost timid knock caught his attention, and he sighed knowing it could only be one person.
While cleaning, he had some time with his thoughts, which was something he hated but could never hide from.

He was perhaps a little tough on Atsumu earlier, and he may have felt a twinge of guilt as he replayed the way his face had dropped at the insults he spat at him.
He humbled himself, reminding himself this would be as hard for Atsumu as it would for him.

Sakusa knew he wasn't an easy person, especially not  to live with. It would be hard for the both of them, but they're just going to have to put up with it. He's sure they'll keep to their bedrooms a majority of the time.

He walked towards the front door and opened it revealing a sad looking Miya Atsumu, who's frown literally turned upside fucking down as he beamed at Sakusa.
He noticed his nostrils flare as he finally caught the whiff of disinfectant.

'Take these before you come in'

He thrusted a new pair of slippers into his hands, still wrapped in plastic, which Atsumu nearly dropped in shock, before he walked back into the room to put away the cleaning supplies.

After putting his new slippers on, Atsumu finally walked into his new home. It was bare, and smelled too clean, and he knew he would definitely have to buy some furnishings because it looked like a hospital in here.
He felt a little nervous, to be honest. He felt small.

'Well, this is nice'

Sakusa looked at him, but only for a second or two before turning his back on him to put the kettle on, wanting some tea to help calm himself down.

'Take it you've already chosen ya bed?'

He saw Sakusa nod his head, but got no verbal response from him. He pouted slightly. Is this what it's going to be like?

He suddenly missed arguing with his brother.

He watched as Sakusa finished making his cup of tea, probably chamomile. He quickly wiped down the countertop, even though Atsumu didn't see him spill anything.

He was almost into his room before Atsumu remembered he could speak.

'I w-was wondering if ya had any like, rules or somethin' you'd wanna talk about?'
He coughed awkwardly after he stuttered, hating himself for doing so and hoping his cheeks weren't as hot as they felt.

Sakusa stilled momentarily, and Atsumu suddenly wished he was a mind reader, but then quickly dismissed that thought after realising he would probably have zero self esteem left if he heard all the insults Sakusa probably had stored away in that head of his.

'I do. Go shower and then we'll discuss them'

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