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Sakusa surprised himself as he looked down at his notes app on his phone, believing he would have come up with a lot more rules than he actually did.
Honestly, they were pretty simple. Just be clean. And leave him the fuck alone.

He was sat in his bedroom, which he wasn't completely used to yet, waiting for Atsumu to finish showering. Straight away he knew that he would always have to shower first, (he would do that anyway because germs) as Atsumu was probably in there for around forty-five minutes, definitely using up the hot water.

He was impatiently shaking his foot as he had one knee crossed over the other, rereading his list to make sure he didn't forget anything, when he heard Atsumu emerge from his bedroom. He was glad the rooms weren't right next to each other.

'I'm done, Omi'

His jaw ticked at the awful nickname Atsumu had chosen for him, but he stood up leaving the safety of his own room to go and stand in the small dining area in the kitchen, which was basically a small table with two chairs that they would definitely not be using together.

Atsumu, whose hair was still damp and messy, took a seat on one of the chairs, looking up at Sakusa who had decided to just lean against the countertop, giving plenty of room between them. Why did Atsumu always look so happy whenever he looked at him? It was annoying.

'I've made a list. Let me read them out then at the end you can ask questions if you have any,'

Atsumu stuffed away a giggle as he realised Sakusa spoke like a teacher. He was so serious about everything, Atsumu wondered if he's ever just chilled out.

'Whenever you get home you need to shower and change clothes. You can leave them in the basket in the bathroom and they'll get washed. Always clean up after yourself, especially in the kitchen when making food or drink. Don't go into my room, or use my stuff. In the bathroom I have provided you your own shelf to put toiletries-'

'Aww, Omi, you shouldn't have'

Sakusa sent him a menacing glare, but Atsumu just sat there with a closed eye grin on his face. It nerved Sakusa.

'Don't invite people round without asking me. I'd prefer if no one else had to invade my privacy any more than you are, but if you really need to just let me know first. Um, if you're feeling unwell, please isolate yourself, clean up more than you already do and don't come near me. Also-'


Sakusa stopped at his name being said. His words died out in his mouth and he stared back at Atsumu, who looked more serious than he did a second ago.
'What, Miya?'

'Just stop talkin' for a sec, please'

His eyebrows furrowed and he wanted to cuss Atsumu out for his rudeness, and already breaking the rule of no talking, but he stayed silent, waiting for whatever the setter had to say.

'Listen, yer worrying too much here. 'M not some kinda slob. I'll clean after myself, I'll be good 'n leave ya alone. 'N if I ever feel ill, which I won't 'cos I've got a good immune system, I'll even wear a hazmat suit for ya. I'm really not as bad as ya think, I promise'

That was something you can't really promise, Sakusa thought. Deep down he knew Atsumu wasn't completely disgusting, but that wasn't the point. It's Miya Atsumu.

'Well, you know the rules now. So please follow them'
With that, he stalked back to his bedroom and quickly shut the door behind him.

Atsumu sighed into a smile, the excitement of living with his teammate slowly appearing again. This was going to be fun.

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