Chapter 2

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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚
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          MePhone's internal alarm goes off, almost scaring him awake. He groans and turns off the alarm. He rubs his eyes and stretches. When he checked the time he realised he had never set an alarm for 10:30 pm. Maybe he had a meeting today? No, his show is over, he doesn't need to talk to OJ's lawyers, always pestering him about the safety of the challenges. He tried to remember why he set that alarm. The alarm's name is called "go to the bakery before 11." MePhone raised an eyebrow and shrugged. He had nothing better to do tonight anyway. He got up from the couch, not even getting annoyed by the squeak, still questioning the alarm.

         He takes a quick shower and heads out the door. Now, going to a place at an obscure hour and not knowing why you're going there sounds like a bad idea. But then again, it's MePhone.

         He takes the elevator down to the ground floor and exits the apartment complex. There aren't as many people around at this hour. Some families and business people returning home and whatnot. MePhone looks at one of the families. They seem happy. The child seems happy. The parents look tired, but they look content with their child. MePhone hums and looks away before he's thought of as a creep. He turns the corner and makes it to his bakery. He looks around the parking lot and the back. Yet, there is no one around. He sighs and decides to wait there for a while.

         He stays there for a whole hour. His battery has been drained to 21% and he's tired of standing around in general. He made it there way before 11... unless it was supposed to be 11 in the morning. MePhone then dropped that explanation, he's in his bakery by 4 in the morning and doesn't leave until closing. He checks the area one last time before deciding to get a snack at the gas station.

        He buys an ice cream cookie. MePhone bites into his late-night snack and walks out of the store. He yawns and goes onto the sidewalk, headed home when he hears loud clamping behind him. He doesn't bother to turn around already knowing:

He's fucked.

         MePhone starts running down the street and makes it past his bakery and around the corner once more. He looks around and notices there's no one around anymore. How inconvenient. Just as he is almost at his apartment complex, he runs into a person. Usually, when he has physical contact with others, they're usually... squishy, not... solid. He curses under his breath before generating something.

         Backing up, he looks up and sees a weird MePhone Model. The stomach area has a bowling ball falling through and its body powers down. MePhone has never seen this model before, but he isn't gonna stay around to learn more. He tries to run into the building before he gets a 2% notification. "You've got to be fu-" MePhone eyes droop and his legs give out. He falls onto the floor and tries to crawl away.

         In his peripherals he sees people walk out of the building. He tries to yell for help but nothing comes out. The loud clamps can be heard behind him. He's eventually surrounded by people. They did nothing but stare at him, he even recognized the parents from before. MePhone's battery reaches 1%, and he tries to yell for help again, but nothing but a little hoarse squeak comes out. He's picked up by something behind him and then hears a painfully familiar voice. 

"Good work, everyone! Now, make sure he isn't too damaged. I'm not wasting more time repairing this junk."

          MePhone slightly turns his head and sees the one person he wished would expired by now. He wishes he could smack the smug face off him. Then he sees another familiar face approach him. His face was more somber and guilt-ridden. MePhone attempted to call out his name, but again, nothing. The man set a hand behind his neck, and before he knew it, MePhone was powered off.


          MePhone wakes up with a sudden jolt of pain in his gut, a horrible pop in his head, and the feeling of his skeleton shattering. He lets out an agonizing scream and takes in the air like he's just been saved from drowning. MePhone sits up, panting like he woke up from a nightmare. He looks around in a panic and realizes he's in his old nursery. He tilts his head, noticing how nothing has changed in the room ever since he ran away. His breathing slows its pace and he hops off the bed.

         "What the fuck, dude." He huffs out, as he tries to remember the breathing exercise Candle taught him. He raises his hands to his face to wipe off the sweat but does a double take when he realizes his palms have a lighter skin tone. "The hell?" he goes to the nursery's bathroom and looks in the mirror. It's his old body. But, it has patches of lighter skin, and he's tiny... again. It felt weird to be in his original body again, after what? More than a decade now?

"You still look like shit."

          MePhone jolts and turns around to see someone occupying the bathtub. At least he knows what happened to 4S' body.

          And there he was, sitting in a bathtub... MePhone turned back towards the mirror before he fully registered that 4S was in the bathtub alive. He turns his head back towards 4S with a confused expression. 4S raises an eyebrow before going back to his bath. MePhone makes a few confused noises, pointing at 4S for a second, and then holding his head as if it was going to explode any second. "I'd like my privacy back, thanks?" 4S sneers, throwing water at MePhone. MePhone suddenly regained his composure. "Wh- wait but I've already seen my- wait no- our? Well, your body!" MePhone stammers.

          "Ewww gross don't say it like that! Just get the fuck out!" 4S yells out, chucking his Hello Kitty duck at MePhone's head. MePhone dodges the ducky and scrambles out of the room. Well, this wasn't how he imagined or dreamed reuniting with 4S would be like. MePhone sighs and sits on his bed, trying to fully understand the situation he's in.

          After maybe an hour, 4S finally got out of the bathroom and looked over at MePhone. MePhone opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. 4S steps in front of MePhone and wraps his arms around him. "Uhh, I'm back?" 4S murmurs. MePhone slightly backs away from the embrace, not used to the gesture, but almost quickly returns the hug as his eyes start to sting. 4S holds MePhone tighter as the decade's worth of mourning finally comes to an end. MePhone ends up crying into 4S' shoulder until he can't anymore.

         MePhone finally felt like he was able to cry about everything at once. The loneliness, the sleepless nights, his past; he was able to let it all out right there. Sure, he only knew his brother for like a day and didn't understand his sacrifice, but he can't help but feel safest around him.
"You done with the waterworks?" 4S awkwardly asks, not sure if this would even help MePhone. But, who could blame him for not understanding emotions? Certainly not MePhone. Wiping his tears away, MePhone looks at 4S before pulling him in for one more hug.

          "Hey, uh this may be a bad time to say it, but I don't think there will be much of this after we step out of the door." 4S mentions it as he basically pulls MePhone off him. "We are back in the headquarters..." He continues as MePhone's face turns into a frown. "Depending on how this goes... this is either the last time we get to see each other or we'll just be stuck in this shit hole until either he dies or you find an escape," 4S explains while fixing up MePhone's hair.

          "What." MePhone flatly says as the turnouts play in his head.


he's back :Doh and yes i will put terminator references in this story AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME MWEHEHEHEHElike before, constructive criticism is appreciated :3-Springsaw

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