Chapter 1... again

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"Alrighty, here's the 3-tier uh chocolate wedding cake! So, uh who's the couple?"Mephone carefully handed the 10-inch tall cake over to one of the lady's assistants. "It would be a female birthmate's wedding. I was assigned to get the wedding cake."Another assistant of the helpers slightly coughs into his hand before helping the others. quickly taking the wedding cake to the car. Mephone slightly raises an eyebrow, "That's an interesting way to say sister." The lady's expression went blank as if thinking about what to say. Mephone then panics realizing he may have offended her. "I mean- It's as interesting as it is silly! Wait no, uh, I mean it's an inside joke, right.?" Mephone slightly shrinks into himself and fidgets in embarrassment. The lady blinked behind her cat-eyed sunglasses, she let out a small forced laugh. "Yes... it's an inside joke." She fakes a cough before gathering herself to leave. "Well, thank you for your services. Hope you'll be safe tonight." She said almost robotically. "Um, yeah... you too. Hope the wedding goes well!" Mephone chuckles nervously, wondering if the safety part was a threat. The lady nods and leaves the shop. One of her assistants opened the car door for her, and the three almost quickly left the shop. Mephone hoped he didn't upset them in any way.
He taps his fingers on the counter, scanning his empty store. Mephone checked the time and realized it was closing soon. He hops over the counter and locks the front door. As he hears the lock click, he sees two figures hiding in an alleyway in the upper corner of his eyes. Mephone looked up and managed to make out someone with unnatural pinkish hair. Mephone starts feeling uncomfortable and backs away from the door. He then decides to clean the kitchen area.He takes out any pastries from his many ovens and places them on a cooling rack. As he returns to turn off the ovens, he looks over at the back door. His paranoia began escalating as he swore he heard the backdoor rattle. He picks up a lukewarm frying pan and cautiously steps over to the door. A normal person would have just locked the door then and there. Instead, he swings the door open and holds the frying pan in front of him as a weapon. He looks around the garbage area and realizes no one is there. Then a rattle from behind the dumpster. He jumps and rapidly swings in the sound's direction. A dog hops out from behind the dumpster with a wrapper of one of Mephone's ice cream cookies. Mephone yelps and backs away from the dog. He noticed the dog had an injured paw. Mephone continued backing away back into the backdoor. He slowly closes the door and hesitates. He contemplates about the dog before walking over to grab a peanut butter cookie. The cookie slightly burned him but he managed to get it back outside. He accidentally drops the cookie close to the door, attracting the dog closer to him. Mephone panics and slams the door. He backs away from the door and sets the frying pan down in the sink. He hopes that the dog will run off by the time he leaves.He collects all the bowls, utensils, pans, and plates. He then throws them all into the sink and puts on some dishwashing gloves. He sighs, he hates this part of his job. He turns on the faucet and gets to work. His mind trails off from new baking ideas, from finally creating a bed for his apartment, and finally, "Should I make coffee?" He asks his reflection in the water. He washes all the utensils and gets to the bowls. "Yeah, maybe I should... wonder if I still have his recipe- Ew what the hell was that?-" He then manages to feel some of the gingerbread batter paste through the gloves and cringes at the texture. "Gross gross gross-" He quickly washes out the batter as much as he can and carefully cleans it with a sponge. He finishes the bowls and moves on with washing everything else without any issues. Mephone stretches and cleans off all the counters. Setting up his coffee machine before continuing cleaning. He moves on to sweeping the lobby, and then the rest of the kitchen. The smell of coffee overwhelms his nose as he melts into comfort. He then puts down the broom and grabs some ingredients from the fridge. He takes the coffee off the machine and starts adding in ingredients. "Ok, he usually added milk, sugar... whipped cream? He added those... those," He pauses for a second trying to remember what the next ingredient was called. "Dammit, what was it called?" Mephone opens random cabinets searching for "Those stripey things." He then finds a box in his seasonal cabinet. It has striped candy inside. "Oh- candy canes... right." He adds the rest of the ingredients and he takes a sip. It was a little off, but it's similar to how he remembers. He smiles a bit, he takes another sip before reminiscing about his times back at the hotel. Mephone was dragged inside the hotel after a pretty bad storm hit the island. OJ gave up trying to explain to him why it's not safe to sleep behind the old elimination stage. I mean, he was right, that stage didn't outlast the storm. It collapsed on itself and Mephone lost some of his show clothes. He didn't mind, he can just generate new ones. He was planning on leaving after the storm cleared, but mainly Bot forced OJ to force Mephone to stay at the hotel. In the end, Mephone ended up sharing a room with Bot and Goo for a while. Then, he got close to another person and moved into his room, and then...Mephone sets down the cup and chews on the candy cane remains. He sighed and proceeded to finish cleaning the store; he washed his coffee cup, then filled a bucket in the sink, put soap in it, and packed his things by the back door before mopping away from the lobby to the back. He dumped out the water in a weird-looking drain, and put away the cleaning stuff in its own little closet. He returned to the back door and put on his coat and picked up the rest of his stuff. He looks back at the empty kitchen and turns off the lights before opening the door. He steps out into the cold winter air, locking the door behind him. He stretches and turns around to see the dog still hanging out in front of the dumpster. He steps back and covers his yelp. The dog was asleep and didn't seem to hear him. Mephone lets out a shaky breath and sneaks around the dog. Just as he makes it to the clearing, he hears a tiny bark. He turns around and sees a puppy standing guard in front of the dog. The poor thing was shivering. Both have a staredown before Mephone makes a weird decision. He generates a blanket and cautiously approaches the dog and pup. As he steps closer he realizes 5 more pups is huddling close to the dog. The lone pup attempts to scare Mephone, him only flinching at the barks. He takes a breath and quickly covers the little pack with the blanket and backs away immediately. The pup shakes the blanket a bit before going still. Mephone doesn't know why he is still standing there, just staring at the lumps in the blanket. Once he regained his thoughts, he looked at his surroundings before quickly making his way home. The streets were filled with people. This city was quite busy after all. A lot of people who live here work in those giant office towers or go to school to work at the giant office towers and live in giant boring apartments close to the giant office towers. Mephone doesn't really like the feeling of being surrounded by corporate offices but business is business. And said businesses like stopping by his bakery in big numbers. That, or order a large amount of treats to take to their businesses. As for the school and college kids. He didn't really mind them sitting around, tapping away on their laptops and stuff. It at least made him feel less lonely. It is, however, depressing to see how stressed some of them get. And the large amounts of caffeine and sugar they order. Mephone realizes his mind's wandering between good and bad stuff. So, instead, he'll just... look at the scenery on the streets. Yeah, it's all bright and pretty. It's the holiday season too, yippee! His eyes wander around the bright buildings before landing on a family waiting in front of a crosswalk. The lady looks like one of his usuals at his bakery. If he remembers, she was getting a degree in some type of engineering field. The guy looks tired, probably an office worker, or maybe he's just tired of his child's energy. Speaking of the child, Mephone rarely sees children on this side of the city. He softly smiles, despite how tired they look, they seem like a happy family. The lady looked behind her, making Mephone quickly stare off somewhere else. There were quite a bunch of people around waiting for the walk light to go green. Mephone was a good distance away from her so he wouldn't be noticed immediately. He hoped she didn't notice him at least. That'd be creepy knowing someone you rarely see is on the same path home and was staring at you for a while. He shook off the thought and decided to instead focus on getting home faster. He looked around the area and found a quick shortcut to his apartment complex. Sure the way there looked sketchy but it was fast. The walk light went green and groups of people started walking to the other side. Mephone quickly passed the family and made his way through the shortcut. From the corner of his eye, he saw what looked like the two figures from before. Uneased, he picked up the pace and made it to his apartment lobby. The reception lady said a quick hi, to which Mephone just awkwardly waved and scurried off to the elevator. He clicked the fifth floor, and pressed his back against the left wall of the elevator, sighing from exhaustion. He took out his phone and checked his messages. He raised an eyebrow, seeing that he was in a new group chat called "The Brighty Lighties Mission" with emojis of everyone in the chat. He opened the chat up to see a small flood of messages.(boring chat logs woo) (The Chaos💡 has added Why does he have my number, Testube, Mai Favorete Troubelmaker, Unknown Number, Paintbruh, and Mefone4 :D) The Chaos💡~ 5:13 pm-Hey Mephone!!!-Buddy-Pal-Amigo-Homeslice breadslicey-Best host guyPaintbruh~ 8:13 pm-Lightbulb no.-stopThe Chaos💡~ 8:14 pm-Its wortha shotWhy does he have my number~ 8:14 pm-can we syai at ur place theres a convention going on and a concert close where u live. the convention is 3 days ling and the concert is on the saturday after-Testube~ 8:14 pm-What's happening?-Oh.-Guys, I thought we were just gonna book a hotel.Paintbruh~ 8:15 pm-see thats what I thoughtThe Chaos💡~ 8:15 pm-yea, but hear me out- whats if he says yeas?Mai Favorete Troubelmaker~ 8:16-wait i thought the plan was for me to call him? Testube~ 8:16 pm-You two were going to use Bot as bait?!Why does he have my number~ 8:17 pm-look i know it sounds bad but have you ever noticed he rarely says no to them!Mai Favorete Troubelmaker~ 8:17 pm-i mean i do feel bad for using his favoritism for uh these reasons but i also do want to see him :(Paintbruh~ 8:17 pm-We could've just passed by anyway if we got a hotel room?Mai Favorete Troubelmaker~ 8:18 pm-:(Testube~ 8:18 pm-Ok fine. We'll wait for Mephone to answer, but if he doesn't respond by tomorrow morning we're booking a hotel. You guys have to remember that he's a busy guy, and from the look of the apartment tour, he has little space to let 6 people crash for 4 nights.Mai Favorete Troubelmaker~ 8:18-:DThe Chaos💡~ 8:18 pm-okes :)Why does he have my number~ 8:18 pm-fair enougj :D-wait what time is it over there??Paintbruh~ 8:21 pm-hes like 3 hours ahead soo-8:21pm?-*8:22pmMai Favorete Troubelmaker~ 8:22-HE SHOULD BE CLOSING SOON! SPAM TO GET HIS ATTENTION!!!!-MEPHONEPaintbruh~ 8:22 pm-well shitMai Favorete Troubelmaker~ 8:22-MOHEO-MEPHThe Chaos💡~ 8:22 pm-MEPHEOWhy does he have my number~ 8:22 pm-AAAAHSJAJThe Chaos💡~ 8:22 pm-JSJSDJIHD-SHSJAKWhy does he have my number~ 8:22 pm-DJJAOAKQ-SJAJJS-SHSWIMai Favorete Troubelmaker~ 8:23-WOWIDJQOAHETestube~ &:23 pm-Can you guys spam his private chat instead? I'm working on something.Mai Favorete Troubelmaker~ 8:23-BJAOSNSI-ohWhy does he have my number~ 8:23 pm-AAAAA-AHH- Oh yea- sorreMai Favorete Troubelmaker~ 8:23-oke :vThe Chaos💡~ 8:23 pm-the fitness gram- aw man okTestube~ 8:23 pm-Thank you.Then the rest of his private messages were flooded with spam. Plus spam from an unknown number? The group chat did have a yinyang emoji in it. Mephone sighed and created a new contact for the two. "The silly duo☯️'' He then looked at his private message spam, chuckling at the weird messages that wrote. Then theres Lightbulb, who recited the entirety of the fitnessgram pacer test, the bee movie, and a lot of copypasta texts? Mephone rolled his eyes and re-entered the group chat.You~ 10:43 pm-yeha suer whi not, just donts make a mess. He turned off his phone as the elevator door opened and he quickly made his way into his apartment door. Then he realized. He just invited 6 people to an empty and, honestly, quite depressing house. Well, now he kinda has to create a bed. He opened his door and dropped his stuff on the floor. He looked around the empty apartment and decided to start the bedroom. He stood around thinking of where to place things. Can't go wrong with a carpet right? A nice blue carpet rug, it matched the floor good enough. Mephone looked at the window in the middle of the room. He contemplated, but he'd be dammed if anyone dared to pry his corner bed. So, a small bed appeared in the far right corner. No, that bed looks terrible. Mephone generates a broom and smacks the bed before it fully materializes. The bed glitched out and disintegrated, letting Mephoned think of a better bed. Then a much bigger, cozy-looking bed appeared. "It's an improvement." He says to himself. He then generated a small office area on the left side of the room. Next, he created a mirror to hang up on the closet door. Well, that's it for the room, right? Mephone looked around, something was missing. He looked at the light and flipped the switch. His mind wanders as he generates fairy lights around the room. Bot's room had a bunch of those. They also never had the room lights on, and neither did his room. Mephone dropped the thought as he looked around the room. The soft glow of the fairy lights makes the room more cozier. He then generated random bean bags in the middle of the room and blackout curtains on the window. Yeah, this looks about fine now. He exited the room and looked at the rest of the house. At least he can finally hide the shitty couch. For the rest of the night, he just let his mind wander and generated whatever came to mind. After the fun of it all, his head started spinning like crazy. He backs up onto the couch and grumbles as it lets out an annoying squeak. He holds his head, he never really went all out generating a lot of things for hours. Well, not since... "What's with the memory bullshit tonight?" He mumbled. Mephone regains his composure and makes his way to his bathroom. He opened his phone to see the group chat spamming cheers and stuff. "The hell does 'rare w' mean?" He asked quietly, he'll never understand some of the things Lightbulb says. He puts some video on his phone as background noise, and takes a quick 'shower'. He did his little routine then stayed in there until the water got cold. He quickly gets out and dries off, walking into his room without covering up. To be fair, he lives alone. He opens his closet and puts on some bedtime clothes. He was still cold, so he made his way under the blankets. To say he was comfy was an understatement. The guy was immediately knocked out with how soft and squishy the bed was. He hugs one of his new pillows, his mind imagining it was someone else. He opened his eyes for a second, making sure he wasn't crazy, but it was just a pillow. He frowns but goes back to slumber quickly. It may have been the best sleep he's had since he left the hotel.


HEYYYYY IMMM BACK FROM DEATH- anyway, i didn't really like how i paced and honestly boring fast read my first attempt was sooooooo- I redid it :D
It's not really proofread, but a braincell appeared so yea. yippeee.

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