Chapter One - El principio

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✩Music to listen while reading - Dos Oruguitas - Encanto ✩

All I could see was clouds. Just pink and yellow clouds. It was beautiful. It felt warm, nice , and smelled good. It looked like I was laying in grass or a flower field. I saw a tan hand going in front of me, it was trying to reach the clouds. " you look lovely y/n" the person said. Their voice was sweet and dreamy. I almost fell asleep in my dream. I putted my hand to reach the clouds too. The persons hand grabbed mine. It felt warm...

" WAKE UP!!! It's time to water the crops!!! "
Maria screamed slamming the door open. I jolted up awaken from my dream with the mystery guy I had no idea was.

" what time is it? Ay dios mío, Maria it's 5am! Let me rest"

I turning and covering my self with my blanket smiling in comfort hoping to return to the dream.

" Well. If you don't wake up My mami will be mad at you! You also promise to play with me today! " Maria shouts as she shuts my door.

" ugh, how did I get into this!!" I get up and start making my bed.

Well that was quite simple question. It's only been 2 weeks living here with the Ortiz family, I was visiting Colombia for the beginning of the summer and basically got dragged here by my parents . I got into an argument I deeply regret while on tour and I got a mentally breakdown and ran into the mountains and got lost. I eventually fell into a secret entrance way into the encanto and met Mariana Ortiz.

I landed on her crops and got knocked out and top of it all destroyed her crops she's been working on for months . She brought me in and got along and agree I would live here until I decided what to do. Well I haven't decided what to do yet. I don't know if my parents already left Colombia or if they're looking for me. But I'm to scared to go back to them and face what happened.

So for the past 2 weeks I've been helping out with the farm which is tiring. I had to work with Mariana daughter, Maria. She's only 5 but very loud, confident, bold, and cute. Which I do admire and see her as a cute annoying little sister, it was like I already fitted in the family which was strange and nice. Back to what I was doing!

After making my bed I took a refreshing shower and got dressed ( you can choose what outfit to wear for today :3 )

I went into the kitchen area and saw Maria reading an 7th grade level book while waiting for me.

" you can read? That's so cool for an 5 year old ! "

" Nope! I just wanna seem smart while waiting for you Y/n , can you make me food? I'm hungryyyy " Maria groans as she shoves the book off her face and makes a sorrowful face.

" Okay, lemme see what we have here" I yawned opening the cabinet pulling out jam and bread. " Is your Mami up? I need help feeding the donkeys, I'm scared that they might fart on me again. " I said as I made a disgusted face as I started making jam toast.

" No! Mami is gonna sleep in today, plus you kinda slacked off yesterday and didn't play with me! " she smiles.

" don't you have any friends who live near? I can't always play with you all the time if I'm "slacking off" " I comment as I putted the jam toast In front of Maria.

" I do! They just live far away, plus I like you! Your like a sibling kinda, I've always wished for one "
She grin ear to ear then takes a big bites from her toast. I remember Mariana told me that Maria was gonna have a little brother until something happened.

I sat down and watch Maria as she eats her breakfast as I almost fallen asleep , I pulled her front hair to tease.

" AYE!! What was that for?!"

" nothing, just something I do to everyone! " I chuckled as I ruffled Maria's curly hair, and got up to put my boots on. " cmon girly pop we gotta do chores before your Mami wakes up and get cranky! " Maria laughs and runs outside with no shoes.


I did later finished watering all the crops expect for some, and did pull some tomatoes out for the market Mariana was gonna go today for money. I was in an apple tree relaxing and eating an apple while looking at the big town from afar. God it was beautiful.
" BOO!!!" Maria popped out of nowhere in front of me upside down as I screamed like a bird in fright and almost fell off the tree.

" what was that for?! You almost killed me girl! " I say as I got back in my original spot.

" your slacking! S-l-a-k-I-o-g!!! Slacking! " she declares as she sits next to me

" you spelt it wrong , plus I didn't slack! I actually did all my chores " I announced proudly smiling ear to ear.

" NUH - UH! "

" YUH- UH! You're slacking off too! You're supposed to milk the donkeys but that takes you 2 hours! "

" I already did it at 4am today! Plus you didn't do donkey poo so I stepped into it this morning while milking the donkeys. You're also supposed to pull the weeds and pull out and vegetables! " some spit got on me as she says that.

" I'm taking a break! I never did farm land before, I'm a city girl, my legs are covered in bruises and I'm tireddddd. Plus I like looking at the view, what do you think rainbows taste like? " I speak as I point to one from a far, changing the subject away from work.

" I don't know, cake? Cupcakes? Chocolate? Maybe lollipops. You're kinda weird in the mornings " Maria says as she lays her soft head on my shoulder looking at the view still.

" more like grumpy In the morning, I act different early on though like weird and energized. It happens if I have some rainbows to eat " I chuckled as Maria giggles at the thought.

" I hope you stay here forever, I like you." That made me smile

"Yeah, I like you too. You're cute and awesome " I smile at the thought of living here forever but I just couldn't I know soon I have to go back but how? When? What would happen if I stayed or left.

" Y/N!!! MARIA !!!! GET HERE NOW!!!" Yelled a cranky woman ( Mariana obvi )

I got catches off guard and stand up for some reason then tripped and fell off the tree.

" Owww"

Maria climbs off the tree , giggled at me, and runs to the caller leaving me dead.


I groaned as I putted the 34 boxes of fruits in the wagon.

" it's just a trip to the main village market, it won't hurt you Y/n " Mariana says as she hands me another wooden box , " that one has eggs in them so be careful " she points out as she gives me more boxes.

" why can't we do this another day? It was you who goes to the market not me, I
I'm like so tired by doing a lot of workkk " I said as I dramatically fall onto the ground as the donkeys connected to the wagon gave me an judgement glance.

" how about you do the market instead of me andddd I can do all of the animals poo?! It a good deal Mariana Ortiz " I smile at her.

" that's what you get for living with me Querida! You do need to meet some people if you're gonna stay here with me for a while. You can get your self a little something from the village too! And bring Maria with you! She can see her friends, she deserves it! " Marianna says smirking at her daughter.

" ¡Ay dios mío! Really Mami?! I can see them!? " Maria says

Mariana nods as her daughter screams in excitement and eyes filled with sparkles and rainbows. " THANK YOU MAMI!!!! I love you! " Maria screams as she drops the box she was holding and hopped into the wagon waiting for me. I sighed and putted the rest of the boxes in the cart (50 boxes in total ) and went onto the way with Maria to the market of encanto.

( Thank you to whoever reads this! Next chapter will be meeting people, I want the reader to get comfortable and know some important things and details about the book before the romance! Meeting Camilo will probably be in chapter 3! Have a good day <3 )

Words : 1465

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