Part 1: Caring Bear

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Aaron Pov:

I noticed two big red eyes staring at me. Now that my full attention is at the figure in front of me I noticed it was a woman in a white bunny suit.

Aaron thoughts: 'The hell? Why is there a fucking furry in the pizzaplex this time of the night?'

As I stand there bewildered and seriously creeper out by this rabbit lady, she giggled liked a fucking weirdo and took out a big fucking knife.....where in God's green earth did that knife came from.

Kinky lady: *giggles* hello there Mr. Mechanic. I wanna play a ga-"

Aaron: "Automatic no"

I cut her off before she says that overused line from some horror movie with a puppet that kills people. Honestly it was a great movie with interesting machinery. Ah shit I'm getting sidetracked here.

Aaron: "Listen here Crazy lady,I don't have time to deal with your bullshit. So please get the fuck out of the premises crawl back from the hole you came from"

She was silent but I know that ticked her off

Bunny bitch: "But that doesn't seem entertaining you know? We could so much fun right now"

Aaron: "Hon please, I don't give a flying fuck about what you conceive as entertaining or not, just leave please."

With that remark, it seems that was the last straw because she suddenly lunged at me with the knife. And of course me, a black belt martial artist, dodge it and decided to have fun and humiliate this deranged furry so I took a couple steps back and put both of my arms behind me. She balanced herself and stared at me shocked.

Aaron: "*Raises an eyebrow* what surprised I'm still alive? C'mon with that slow ass attack you couldn't hit shit"

That seemed to piss her off. Hmph good. She then sends a flurry of attacks to me and I dodged it like a boss while having my arms still behind my back.

Boneless killer: "Awww no fair, stop dodging!"

After a while of dodging and weaving, I got bored and decided to strike back with my baton. She was caught off guard and stumbled back and I took that chance to gut punch her with my left hand. Did I mention that I'm ambidextrous? After that punch she staggered and clutch her stomach. I stared at her

Aaron: "Gender equality bitch"

I the turned my attention back to my watch but that gave her time to emit a emf wave that resulted on my visor emitting a high frequency sound on my ear which gave her enough time to escape.

Aaron: "Fucking asshole, I hope you trip and fall to your death!"

I yelled to no one in particular while holding my ear ripping of the earpiece.


After that weird encounter of a wannabe killer I though about finally activating K-9. K-9 is a 6'5 feet Saint Bernard animatronic, muscular stature with synthetic Dark brown, Light beige, and Brown fur. He can run faster than many people and can pounce even with his large structure. Although these characteristics may be a bit Intimidating to the children so I also included a heat producing core that is enough to be warm and cuddly. Anywho back to the thing that I need to do which is to know why in the name of Jesus is Freddy headless.

I continued my way to the elevator to get to my workplace. As I was waiting, I decided to check on the weird lady as I secretly placed a tracker on her when I punched her in the gut. Now where the hell is she..............right she's in the main office probably watching so I looked at the CCTV that in the elevator and waved innocently as I nonchalantly disabled its vision.

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