Entry 2, Our Duties And Ways To Expedite Them

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As a royal Zora, there are many tasks that we are expected to handle in the Domain, including our own personal studies. We must be well versed in all our customs and the works. If you are a princess, it is required that you know how to sew, since it is a tradition for the princess to make a suit of armor for the man she chooses to be her husband. Then there are of course the meetings with the Council of Elders, who are anything but cordial at the best of times.

I have seen just how strict they can be on us, and the thought of running away when you are a minnow may seem tempting, but you must get through it. Though they would hardly tell you, everything you learn is important as a royal. You must know our history, you must know our customs. All of it is necessary in continuing our prosperity. As long as you see your people being happy with their lives, you know you have done your job well as a royal. We must protect them and lead them, it is our duty.

I know you must be wondering to yourself: But why does it have to be us? Why do we not get a choice in this sort of life? Why can't we be free like a bird, free to travel wherever we wish, like the rest of the Hyruleans?

Well, my answer to that will be... That is just how it is. It has always been like this, and if we do not do it, the rest of the Domain will fall into utter chaos. There are some times where you just have to put your duty before yourself, but there are other times where you can dedicate some time to yourself. I am going to show you how.

Know those boring meetings with the advisor of the king, where they are reviewing information you already knew for the thousandth time? Merely say all that you already knew, and there is a good chance they'll let you leave early. Another trick is to appear as engaged as possible in the repeat lessons, so they go faster. The faster they go, the more free time you have to yourself!

If you're a princess struggling to sew, I saw that my sister Mipha used to always go to the blacksmith on advice on what to do. You could try that, since they tend to be the craftiest Zora in the Domain. If you are shy, like I was, and struggle on greeting other Zora from outside our Domain, focus on the center of their crest, and bow. I did it all the time, and it worked like a charm! If you do that, you do not have to make eye contact with them, and lose your formality. From their point of view, it still looks like you are making full eye contact!

Nothing is more embarrassing than blanking or freaking out in front of important company. I should know, since I used to do that all the time as a minnow before I learned that trick. Nowadays, no one would have ever known I was so timid. It was all thanks to all the greetings I have had to do that I begun to realize that there was nothing to be nervous about. Practice makes perfect, after all!

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