chapter 1

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Ashley was hired as supervisor by secrurity company to big events, mostly concerts. Now she was preparing venue for one of those. Some band named Ghost was about to perform tonight. She was checking backstage to be sure everythig's alright. Everything seemed to be fine. She walked around the corner from narrow crridor and bumped into someone. She gave that person quick peek and does that person have a pass. She mumbled
"So sorry."
She bumped on a guy who's probably with the band. Her instincts were sharpened. She noticed long, blond hair, blue eyes and moustache, not very tall. He looked at her, didn't say anything. She walked few steps and stopped to look at him once again. There was something in his eyes, his posture that made her curious. She turned her head, he was standing there. Looking at her. She felt something going down her spine. They looked at each other for few solid seconds and she walked away. She checked up few more rooms as the stadium where concert was about to be was big. Ashley got back to the guy she bumped into in her mind. She could've swear she saw him somewhere. She started to think very hard. Is it possible that she bump into none other than Sodo himself? She was a fan of heavier music herself.
"I could swear that I just bump into Sodo." She said to herself and she drowned in her memories when she was fascinated with Katatonia so much. But she didn't follow the band so much as she used to years back. She knew Sodo left Katatonia, but she really didn't follow his next steps. Everything would match. Height, hair, eyes even moustache. Ashley sat on a chair that was nearby. But why would he be here? Is it becasue he's part of a band? She shook her head. She had a little crush on him during Katatonia days. Whatever. She stood up and went to check green room. There shouldn't be anyone yet. She walked in and spotted someone there. She got closer and realised that's the same person she bump into. When she walked in, he turned his head from the guitar he was holding on his lap. She turned to walk away when he said
"Wait." She stopped in a half way. Turned to face him. He was approaching her. Yep, there's no mistake. About ten years older, but it was him. She lowred her head, too intimidate to look at him. After all, he was the one who made her to pick up the guitar again those years back.
"Who are you?" He asked when he was few steps away from her.
"I'm just from security. Please, don't mind me. I'm just leaving." She replied. He took a look at her.
"Fellow metalhead?" Sodo asked locking his eyes at her tee with Paradise Lost. She looked down. Of course. He was touring with them back in the days.
"Yeah, might say." She said
"So you'll be at our show?" He asked. "I'm Sodo, by the way." He added and reached his hand.
"Nice to meet you." She answered. "Yes, I'm a supervisor of security on that event."
"Och, wow. That's responsible task." He said. "You don't have to walk away. As a fellow metalhead, I invite you to my rehersal. I might need some feedback." Ashley was speachless. That can't be happening. She slowly turned back encoruged by his inviting motion.
"What's your name?" He asked. She wanted to hit her head hard. He introduced himself, she never did that.
"I'm Ashley, I'm sorry."
"What for?" he chouckled.
"I didn't introduce myself." she said embarraced.
"Come on, that's nothing bad. And I asked." He blinked on her. "So, what are you listenging except PL?"
"Och you know, I'm quite open. It depends on my mood. I listen everything from Metallica, through Children of Bodom, King Diamond to Opeth and...Katatonia." She said.
"Och?" He reacted as she mentioned bands he was involve with or he was fan of. "Now you're making it up." He said
"Unfortunaley, or fortunatley I'm not." Ashely said.
"And it  depends on what?" He chockled
"Are you fine with it or not." She laughed.

"How I couldn't be." He said and got closer to her. "Question is how much it is true and how much you made that up." He asked with that serious look in his eyes. She backed off a bit.
"Why, for Satans' sake I would made that up?" She asked. He looked at her with strange sight in his eyes.
"I don't know? To impress me?" She returned a question. But he was little less suspicious when she mentioned Satan so naturally.
"I'm not trying to impress anyone. You've asked, I've answered." She looked at him and turned to leave. Sodo didn't want her to go. As much as he was suspicious about everyone, that one got him curious. He cought her arm and pulled.
"Don't go, please. You're very rare person." He said. "I can play for you something. What would you like to hear?" He asked.
"Lethean." She said with premeditation. And smiled wide. As she knew that he was co-composer of it. She'll play this little game about making things up. Sodo just smirked and began to play.


A/N: Ok, I don't know where exactly this is going, but I'll try to figure it out. It's not like with "I am the Fire" that I had some plan for it.  We'll see how it will develop.

Stay safe!

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