Chapter 24

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They've left their room and met others in the lobby. They tried not to let anyone see that something was wrong. Even so, Sodo and Ashley stood a bit away from the rest of them.
"I should warn you. We'll be traveling in our tour bus now into another location. And we must share a bunk."
"It's fine. As long as we're together."
"Yes, but there will be not much space and we'll be with all of them literally locked in."
"That's fine." She said cuddling into him. "We'll manage."
"I don't know...with this two fuckers..." Sodo said
"You have to let it go." She looked at his face. "I know your philosophy tells you otherwise, but can you at least for that time let it go?"
"How it's even possible that you know that kind of things?"
"We share it."
"Yeah, I've noticed that. At least a bit. But I didn't know that you know those rules." Sodo said suprised. Very positive suprised.
"That's another story." Ashley said quietly.
"How come?"
"I will tell you later. It seems that bus arrived." She said as she spotted Copia waving at them to move.
"Very well, but I need to hear it." Sodo said and with that he pulled her hood and his as well. "You'll need that."
They walked out and well, there was rather big gathering of fans again. He helped her with her luggage, packed his and looked at her.
"Go." She just said, she knew he was about to ask her if he can go to the fans. She was waiting by the bus for him. He was peeking at her from time to time. Ashley was checking her messages and news. She had notifications set for 'Sodo', 'Dewdrop', 'Ghost B.C.' and "Ghosttheband'. She had a lot of these. She looked at few, but one got her attention. It was about Sodo and it was a video. She opened it. It was from last night when Per went to talked to the fans after the show. There was him of course and there was a question, it could be heard very well. 'Per! Per! Is that your girlfriend in that cap?' She looked around a bit panicked.'Yes, it is indeed. My better half. Sorry girls.' He answered. She just turned off her phone. It was too much. Yeah, he told her that he confirmed it and said that someone probably recorded it. But it's totally different see it, hear it and see herself in that video as someone filmed her too as she stood behind Sodo just bit further. She started to feel little anxious and started to look around to find a place to hide. She didn't want to go into the bus without him but there was no other place to hide. Sodo looked at her and noticed that something happened. He said his goodbyes to fans and went to check on Ashley. He got his arm on her shoulders and pulled closer to him. It always worked if she was in some kind of stress.
"What's going on, love?"
"It's nothing, really."
"Didn't look like it. Are you sure you're ok?"
"I'm fine. You're here, so it's all good." She managed to turn it all around
"Ok, than let's go into the bus. We gonna probably take off soon." They got in first. He led her at the end of a bus where his bunk was.
"That in the middle is ours. You can leave your things here and I'll show you rest of a bus." He said. Meanwhile rest of the band started gathering inside. Copia showed up last.
"Ok, guys, are we all here?" He asked. "Good. We're good to go."
Ashley felt strange there. All of them sat in the common area and talked. She was buried deep inside her thoughts. How did she end up here? In tour bus with the band and Sodo at her side. And it all just in few weeks. Per was still looking at her from time to time. And he was worried. Finally he stood up and said quietly
"Can I talk to you for a second?" Ashley looked at him and nodded. She stood up and they went into sleeping area. "Ash, what's going on? Since we left hotel you're acting weird."
"It's nothing, really."
"No. It's not." He said. "Talk to me." She sighted
"I saw a video."
"What video?" He asked and started to think what he did in last few days.
"Where you confirmed that you have a girlfriend." He breathed with relief
"Ok, and...?"
"I wasn't ready for it I think..." Ashley started "It all is going so fast...Few weeks ago I had my quiet life and I was just random person. I was going to work, shopping, home, cooking, relaxing in my apartment..."
"What are you trying to say?" He asked with growing fear in his voice.
"That I..." She started but being interrupted.
"Ashley, are you here?" Copia peeked inside "I'm sorry, did I interruped something?"
"No, it's fine. What is it?" She quickly said
"I wanted to talk with you about that job. But we can do it another time." He said
"No, it's ok. We can talk now."
"Ok, come with me please." Ash looked at Sodo to let her pass by him. At first he didn't move but after few seconds he let her go. And he looked at her when she was leaving with Copia. He had a feeling that something's going very wrong and she's slipping from him.

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