Chapter 34

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"No, if there's anyone who can bring him back from this limbo, it's you." Copia said. "Please do yourself a favour, and all of us, and go back." He said with most serious face. She looked away from them. Started to think that they may be right. But she left like that...
"He won't forgive me..." she said silenty
"If there's anyone he would forgive anything, it's you." Phantom said.
"Fine, did he said where he'll be after the tour?" She finally gave up. It's not that she didn't want it deep down. Her fear was overhelming but thought that he's out of his mind won.
"Well, I think he's in Barcelona. Where else?" Swiss said
"Yeah, we were planning go there after the tour...but did he go back?"
"It's his home." Rain said. "There are two places in this world where he feels home on this planet. It was Barcelona and your apartment." She shivered a bit.
"Ok, but I don't know exact am I...?"
"I'll go with you." Swiss said "I know where it is."
"Ok, fine." Ashley stood up. "I need to pack and you need a rest. If you don't mind, you can use my bedroom and couch while I'll be packing."
They left into the airport few hours later. Copia, Phantom and Rain were going home. Ashley with Swiss were waiting for a flight to Barcelona.
"I'm so glad that you decided to go." Swiss stared. "Please, keep open mind when we get there. He might be little rough at the beginning."
"Yeah...he's a Fire Ghoul after all." Ashley said.
They've landed in Barcelona long hours later. Swiss took care off their luggage and called a cab.
"Ash, one more thing. Don't bother about that girl. She meant nothing and I'm sure about it. It's Sodo, who's been hurt..."
"What girl?" She interrupted him.
"You know, that from sound crew..." he said uncertain that he's doing right thing. Ashley laughed.
"You're hilarious. I asked her to keep Sodo busy to have a time to pack and leave." She said. Swiss was speachless. With that, mystery about a girl has been solved. What he didn't mention, was that they end up in one bed and Sodo didn't remember anything and she didn't replied for Copia's txt or calls from him. He stayed silent as he didn't dare to say anything more. Cab stopped by Sodo's house. Ashley and Swiss got a deep breath.
"Sooo...let's go..." Swiss said. Ashley frozed. Swiss had to shake her to get her back
"Right..." she said and knocked. She had to knock few times because music was playing loud inside. Finally someone heard knocking and opened up the door. It was some girl, she looked like a model. They got in, there was a lot more of them. Ashley looked at her from her head to the toe and got into combat mode.
"Party is over. Mrs. Eriksson is back!" She shouted loud. Swiss looked at her. She impressed him. He felt that spirit of competition has reached her. She went into Sodo's house and found him in the kitchen talking with some girls. Her appearence made them all silent.
"Get the fuck out of here." She just said and looked at Sodo who's been totally drunk. They all disappeared in a minute. Swiss tried to some of them stay but none of them was eager to do it.
"Okkkk...I'll let you two talk. I'll be in the living room." He just said and left. Ashley approched Sodo.
"Och dear, what have happened here?" She asked and tucked his hair behind his ear and caressed his cheek. He was barely standing on his feet.
"Och, now I'm hallucinating. That's so great!" Sodo said
"You're not. You're going straight to bed and we'll talk when you get sober." Ashley said. With Swiss as an assistance she got him into bed and got in there with him. Swiss stayed in living room. Morning will be so entertaing...
They slept for long, Ash and Swiss because of a long journey, Sodo because of those few days of partying like there's no tomorrow. Even so, he was the first to wake up. He looked around and saw Ashley next to him with her arm and leg wrapped around him like she used to.
"Now that must be still my hangovers doing..." He whispered and laid back again. But that feeling didn't go away. He looked again and dared to touch her. She was there, flesh and blood. He couldn't believe it. He layed down and tried to remember anything from last night. There was a lot of girls. He always manage to get them into his party. But what did he do and how long she's been here? He touched her again as he didn't believe she's real.
"How the fuck did it happened?" He asked himself. And continued stare at her like she was about to disappear.
Finally Ashley started to waking up. She felt him and this was most beautiful feeling in the world. But she was still a bit uncertian that he'll be happy to see her there.
"Good morning." She said bit shyly.
"Good morning to you too." He said "Are you real or I'm still drunk?" He asked
"I'm here" She said. "I got here last night with Swiss." He had moved a bit from her.
"That might be explanantion. What are you doing here?" He asked. Ashley sighted.
"We have to talk when you'll be sober." She said
"I am sober. How did you get here again?" He asked as he might be sober but still sleepy.
"I told you, I got here with Swiss last night." She said "We need to talk. When you' able to. Please." She said again
Sodo was awake like he was never in his entire life.
"We can talk now." He said. She looked at him bit uncertain
"Fine. We need to talk about us." She started and took a deep breath
"Us?" Sodo asked with bit bitter tone. "There's still us? Because honestly, I'm not so sure after your letter which I found when you left me in that hotel." He sat down
"I know...I..." She started
"How could you? I tried to be supportive. Tried to help you with all this. And you just left. Ran like it meant nothing." She sat at the bed and didn't know what to say. Finally she said
"You're right. I am so sorry for that. But I am here now and I'm asking you can you forgive me?" Sodo stood up and walked out. He passed through living room and found Swiss sleeping on his couch.
"And that fucker..." He mumbled. Went into the kitchen and poured some water. Ashley thought that it will be harder than she assumed. Sighted and got up too. She went after him. He was standing there looking into the window, when he heard her coming he turned his head.
"I know I hurted you. I'm sorry, I really am." He got back to staring outside.
"Yeah, me too. It could work." He said quietly.
"Per, please...I won't run again."
"Yeah you will." Sodo lowered his head and sighted. "Everytime when you'll be scared of something." With that he went to take a shower and Ashley left in the kitchen with less and less hope that she'll get him back.

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