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Now, Shouyou really didn't know where he was.

All of it seemed like empty buildings and crows cawing on bent graffitied signs. He was shivering, and his elbow and head ached in pain but he continued nonetheless, hoping, praying, to find anyone who could give him directions.

"Ah!" An old woman walking ahead of him came into his view, and she looked like she was dealing with an extremely large dog for such a small, plump woman.

He picked up his pace and got closer, and the dog was pulling roughly on her poor body, and he could see clearly that the dog didn't have any proper manners.

Lucky for this woman, Shouyou's last job was at the new dog care and training center.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. I couldn't help but notice that you're having some trouble with your dog. I got certified for dog training last year, so, if you don't mind, I can give you a hand?"

She was so grateful to him, it made his day seem just that much brighter. Helping others always makes him feel so wonderful.

He carefully took the chain in his hand and wrapped it around his arm so the dog wouldn't pull him away.

The dog had tried to jump on him, but he wouldn't allow her to, and, eventually, she got the hint and went back to pulling on the leash to smell everything and getting distracted by the smallest movements.

The granny introduced herself as Janny Sakusa, or Janny Granny, to her friends. Shouyou is given permission to use her nickname.

They have a decent conversation while Shouyou works patiently with the dog, leaving no grey areas for her to mess up, and, by the time they turn the second-to-last corner to Janny Granny's house, she's being easy on the chain.

"She only listened to her past owner, but she went on a trip and won't be back for another two weeks, so I offered to watch her at my home. My grandson was going to help me with her, but he ended up being busy. I didn't want to wait until he got home, so I thought I'd just do it myself."

A frail hand was placed upon her rosy cheek, and she let out a small sigh.

"I guess I'm getting too old for these things... Anyway, Shouyou, how old are you? You can't be more than twenty, right? Your skin is so smooth and shiny!"

"Haha, actually, today's my birthday! I'm 24, now! And don't worry, Janny Granny, you've aged like a fine wine! You look incredibly good for your age!"

"Fufu, are you hitting on me, Shouyou~?"

They laughed together, enjoying the moment, even when the dog had stopped and ducked its head cautiously at a street cat sitting atop a fence post.

Shouyou had let his guard down, and, in a mere moment, the dog bolted toward the cat and hit the end of the leash so quick and rough that the tension traveled upward and tightened the chains around Shouyou's arm, so much so he almost immediately felt the shock through his arm.

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