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The sun is barely peaking past the mountains when Sakusa drops Shouyou off at his home.

"Shouyou, you're almost an hour late! What on Earth- Uh, who's this..?"

Shouyou's family stops in front of Sakusa's car, where the driver is patiently waiting inside and the two young men are talking outside of it, now joined by a loving couple and their precious daughter.

Sakusa takes a gentle hold of her hand and politely bows to both her and Natsu, and shakes the hand of Shouyou's stepfather. For the sake of his relationship with Shouyou, he's willing to risk the possibility of germs.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi, I'm sorry to keep your son away for so long on such a special day."

He had swooned them all, Shouyou included, with his proper manners and mindful, mature demeanor.

With a hand on her cheek, Mrs. Hinata gave a laugh and a wave of her hand.

"Nonsense~ Shouyou seemed to have a good time, seeing as you're not in the clothes you left with~"

Her insinuation made little Shouyou flush red.

"M-Mama, it's not like that! I got splashed with mud, so Sakusa-San-"

"I told you to refer to me by my first name, Shouyou."

The tips of Shouyou's ears were like cherries looking at his parents eye each other with hinting looks and Natsu looking at them and trying to understand what was going on.

"K-Kiyoomi-San, then, he's just a- We just met this morning! It's really not like that..!"

When Mrs. Hinata looked over at Sakusa, he just gave a smile to them, one that suggested otherwise, and Shouyou realized all at once that there was no recovering from this.

"Well, Sakusa-Kun~ Why don't you stay for dinner, then?"


He glances at Shouyou, who is desperately trying to recover from his previous fluster, and they lock eyes.

"Oh, I didn't tell you," he speaks rather meekly, "I'm having dinner with my family tonight, but we could do something else, like-! The meteor shower's tonight! We can watch it together!"

Sakusa thinks for a minute, his eyes not once straying from Shouyou's passionate ones. It's clear that Shouyou had plans to watch it anyway, and it's an honor that he didn't mind Sakusa joining him.

"Perfect," his low voice utters, "I'd be more than happy to join you, but I can't stay for dinner, my apologies."

The last of his statement was directed toward Shouyou's mom, who frowned.

"How come?"

"I have to prepare for mine and Shouyou's date, of course."

Their jaws dropped like anchors.

Sakusa turned back to Shouyou while Natsu shouted about them being boyfriends and whatnot and let his hands caress Shouyou's shoulders and neck.

"I'll see you tonight, my precious."

He bowed to the family, said his goodbyes, and he was off. Shouyou was hounded instantly.


The night came to Shouyou crawling slowly. He figured time usually seems to slow down when you're looking forward to something.

Well, he was anxious, of course, but at the same time...

He wanted to learn more about Sakusa.

His phone dinged in his bag, and he quickly pulled it out to see who had messaged him.


i'm sorry about today, Shouyou, i promise we made up with each other. i shouldn't have overreacted the way i had, and on your birthday of all days. how about we all go out tomorrow after work and celebrate properly??

A smile took hold of his lips as Shouyou typed his response. He's learned now that it was the ring's fault, so he won't hold anything against his friends. He told his dad he was scared to lose the ring and stuffed it in a box in his closet.

But that's not what's important at the moment. He needed to get ready for his date.

So, he dressed in his softest cotton sweater, printed with carefully knitted sheep on it, and a pair of black fleece-lined leggings to match his sneakers, and he packed a small satchel with his phone, wallet, and some drinks for them both.

And he went on his way.

To his surprise, when he opened the front door to his house, Sakusa was already there with a hand out toward him and a hint of a smile on his face.

His hair was certainly neater than when they had first met- Shouyou didn't think it could get any neater- and his ironed button-up was tucked almost professionally into his black denim jeans. There was a logo embroidered in the light grey fabric of his shirt, and it seemed oddly familiar to Shouyou, but he shrugged it off.

He was too busy fretting about how underdressed he was compared to Sakusa.

The street lamps did a wonderful job of highlighting Sakusa's handsome features, only furthering Shouyou's worries. Though he tried not to express his sorrow as they chatted, Sakusa had somehow picked up on it.

He stopped walking, Shouyou noticed he was walking rather slow for how long his legs were to keep up with Shouyou's shorter legs a while ago, and he turned to face the little ginger between the street lamps.

It was rather dark, so, when Sakusa's hand laid itself upon Shouyou's cheek, the ginger hoped he couldn't see the way his face flushed at the contact.

"You look ravishing," Sakusa spoke softly to him, "And so adorable, it makes me want to hold you against me forever."

He had mentioned his flushed cheeks before, but this time Shouyou was passed hot, his body had been set alight by Sakusa's words and tone.

Sakusa's eyes had darkened, though it was hard to see in the dull lamplight, at the sight of Shouyou's sunstone-colored eyes falling to his lips and back up to his eyes.

It was such a fast motion, but Sakusa's keen senses picked up on it immediately. Shouyou felt it, the pull of their fate, and Sakusa's heart soared at the thought of it.

Those eyes, seemingly carved fresh from the rock of the earth, moved toward the night sky, where a meteor showered down. Shouyou grinned from ear to ear.

"It started early," he spoke in awe, and Sakusa found himself not in the originally planned meadow where everyone else enjoying this phenomenon would have been, but standing in the dull yellow street lamp on the cracked sidewalk and staring not at the sky, but at the beautiful angel beside him, whose eyes reflected the sky the way the ocean would.

He fell in love, and, as Shouyou tightened his grip on Sakusa's hand, his eyes glancing over to meet with Sakusa's own, the black-haired male knew Shouyou would do the same over time.

After all, they're fated to be together in this world, and every other world.


"together with you is my favorite place to be."

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