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This wasn't how Shouyou had planned his day out at all. He wanted to spend tonight alone to admire the meteor shower after having a good dinner with his family. Even if today didn't quite go as planned, he hoped things would somehow turn around.

Sakusa spoke again, with that thick, dominating tone of his, "Did you get that ring for your birthday?"

Shouyou meekly nodded, his fingers finding themselves pinching the band of the ring and twisting it back and forth on his finger. Why was he suddenly curious about his ring?

"You've been down on your luck since then, right? That ring is a spiritual object, it turns the luck of its wearer around. You must have been blessed with good fortune, seeing as it's now giving you poor fortune."

Is that even possible? Shouyou couldn't help but be curious about it. How could a ring cause such bad luck?

He thinks back to his friends, getting caught in the rain, the times he slipped and tripped, got lost in a criminal-ridden town, and the burning pinches along his arm.

Was this really because of this ring?

"If I go on a... date with you... Could you tell me about it? This ring, I mean."

Sakusa himself used many spiritual objects to keep his luck and strength up, but, standing so close to Shouyou like this makes him feel an ungodly amount of strength and prowess. He feels Shouyou is the ultimate good luck charm.

Shouyou's the one who needs to stay by his side, it's as clear as day to Sakusa. It's destiny.

"Of course, I'll tell you anything you want to know, and I'll have your arm treated by my private doctor, so stay here for a while, will you?"

Sakusa had thought of taking the ring off Shouyou's finger immediately before anything else could happen, but Shouyou seemed very fond of it and unwilling to remove it from his person.

Just as he had gone to agree, a truck had come by and splashed murky, filthy water onto him and only him, since he had previously put distance between him and the group. Not only that, but a strong gust of wind came in from out of the blue, and a plastic bag slapped him in the face.

Atsumu was the first to break the silence with obnoxious laughter but quickly got shut up when the dog jumped on him.

"... I'll get you a bath and a change of clothes ready, too," Sakusa carefully instructed him, Shouyou removed the ring and absently nodded.

While the gold object of luck was stuffed safely into his soaked backpack, he followed Granny, Sakusa, and the others into the large office-like townhouse.


"Mhm~ This isn't bad at all~" Shouyou hummed in the scented bath water. Sakusa had left the room a moment ago to fetch him a set of clothes. Shouyou would have to remember to thank him gratefully when he comes back because this is exactly what he needed after such an exhausting day.

He hoped his friends would make up soon and that his family would understand that he would have to leave dinner early this afternoon to go on his "date" with Sakusa.

It's been such a strange day...

There was a gentle knock on the door before Sakusa came back into the bathroom. Shouyou stood up from the water and wrapped himself in the fluffy cotton towel that was on the counter.

All the while, Sakusa's eyes were politely looking elsewhere.

"These are my clothes, but Granny's sized them down a bit, so they'll stay on you until you can get home."

Being close to these people, Sakusa and Granny, may not be such a bad idea. They're so kind, after all.

lost in his admiration, Shouyou hadn't realized he had been staring at Sakusa so lovingly, even when they made eye contact.

He gave a grin, the brightest, sweetest thing Sakusa had ever seen, and sent the black-haired male's heart fluttering like a butterfly.

"Thank you for all your help, Sakusa-San. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have known my ring was bad luck. You and Granny are very wonderful people."

Sakusa could only stare in astonishment.

Him, an underground mob boss, and Granny, a retired hitman? Nice people?

No one had ever said that to him before, so he wasn't sure how to reply. He just stared into Shouyou's unwavering, angelic amber eyes and thought, I'll protect him until the day we die.

Someone like Shouyou with someone like him? It was the first time in his life he had ever questioned the oracle, wondering how an angel could fall in love with a demon.

Shouyou turned away from him to change into his clothes, and Sakusa turned away from the mirrors on the wall, hoping Shouyou wouldn't be able to see his reddened cheeks through them.

"I appreciate your kindness, Shouyou, but, please, do remember that I have ulterior motives."

Shouyou had just tugged his pants up when Sakusa pressed his hands on either side of him against the counter, trapping Shouyou's small body with his body.

Shouyou froze up as they made eye contact in the mirror.

"I want you to marry me, Shouyou. We're destined by the universe, our souls are connected. I know it's hard to understand, I'll do my best to help you, but in this world and every other one, we are bound to meet. I can feel it in our auras."

Shouyou smelt like fresh vanilla from the bath and Sakusa simply couldn't get enough of it. He brought his head down to rest it on Shouyou's shoulder, all the while Shouyou watched him from the mirror.

When he placed a hand on Shouyou's bare waist, the little ginger jolted. Sakusa's hands, his body, everything on him is so, so much bigger than Shouyou's. While it made him feel small, he didn't entirely hate it.

"Don't worry," Sakusa huskily spoke against the ginger's fair skin after a moment, startling him further, "I won't do anything you don't want me to, but I want you to think about my feelings, please. I'll give you everything, both you and your family, you'd never have to worry about anything, should you choose to stay by my side."

He moved his head to bury it in Shouyou's fluffy hair and Shouyou unintentionally shivered at the contact, making Sakusa tuck his head further into his hair to hide his smirk.

"You'd just have to love me."

Yeah, he and Shouyou have known each other in another universe, he can feel it in his heart and soul. They're meant to be, like star-crossed lovers.


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