And it all begins...

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Dedayo: I'm coming for you

🎶Fight for you if I have to fight for you
I'll run for you if I have to run
lie for you if I have to lie for you
I'll die for you if I got to do
I'm coming for your love
Nothing can stop me this time
I'm coming for you🎶

"I listened to this song throughout writing this particular chapter; there's just something about the song that really resonates with me. Anyways, here's a new chapter.... Happy reading experience, guys! ❤️


"The clock on the bedside table ticked away, its hands pointing steadily at the number ten. The time says 10 am in the morning. I stood up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom.

Today was the day I would be going to the hospital to start my treatment. I breathed heavily as I splashed cold water on my face.

The next three months of my life will be spent within the white walls of the hospital. I sighed at the mere thought of it.

I quickly brushed my teeth and took my shower before making my way out to the room. I still have a few clothes to pack into my bag. I took out a blue cardigan and jeans from my closet and put them on. I combed my hair and packed it into a bun. Sonia and my father will be here anytime soon to take me to the hospital. Dr. Finn had instructed me to come by 12 noon; he mentioned something about me meeting the oncologist responsible for my treatment throughout the duration.

I really did not know how much I missed my mother until this moment; I really craved her motherly warmth.

I lost my mum ten years ago; it's such a long time, but I never stopped thinking about her. My mum lost her life in an accident. It was such a bad period for my father and me.

Fast forward after five years, my dad got married to a Norwegian woman, Heidi. I couldn't watch another woman take over my mother's position in my life and my father's life, so I moved out of the house and rented an apartment of my own since I had a job that caters to my needs. I work in an insurance company and earn a decent pay.

Ever since then, I have been living alone. I don't hold any grudges against Heidi or my father; I just can't deal with seeing them together. My dad comes to visit me a couple of times, and he still sends me my monthly allowance.

I retrieved some of my clothes from the closet and stuffed them in my bag. Most of these clothes are casual wear like cardigans, free pants, and some other essentials. I heard a knock on the door, and I made my way to the door. I opened it, and my father made his way inside.

He kissed my cheeks before greeting me, 'How are you, my love?' My father says. 'I'm doing good, just anxious about what's coming, that's all,' I responded. 'You will be fine, by God's grace,' my father encouraged. 'So when are we leaving?' my father questioned me. 'I already packed my bags; we just need to wait for Sonia. She should be here anytime soon.'

Speaking of the angel, Sonia made her way inside the house. She hugged me and pecked my cheeks. She saw my father on the seat and greeted him. 'Good morning, sir.'

'How are you, Sonia?' my father responded. I left the two and went to my room to pick up my bag, one last look at my room before I made my way out. I'm definitely going to miss my room; most importantly, I'm going to miss my bed. Sonia stood up to take the bag from me, and we all made our way out.

Sparkle was already standing at the door, barking and growling. I scooped him up and patted his back. 'I will be back home soon,' I kissed his face as I dropped him down. 'Sonia will be taking care of Sparkle for me while I'm in the hospital. I'm going to miss Sparkle a whole lot.'

He kept barking as if he knew I will be leaving him for some couple of months. 'Sonia will take good care of you,' I said to him reassuringly. He whined to show how disappointed and sad he was.

My father, Sonia, and I all made our way to my father's car as he drove us to the hospital, and just like that, the journey begins....

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