Chapter 3

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Such a beautiful day with a perfect blue sky, fluffy clouds, and a shining sun adoring it's rays onto the ground. It truly was a beautiful morning given the night prior. 

But the problem to this morning was that Minnie's not in the mood for the shinning day. You see, Minnie is not a morning person. She easily got frustrated with anything. Especially on school days. Now imagine combining waking up earlier than usual to change bandages, not having full function over your dominate hand, and still having to go to school where reporters were surely to wait for the girl that survived a killer.


Minnie couldn't comprehend her parents sometimes. This was one of those times. She'd begged them to let her stay home and they did not budge.

The plus side was seeing her twin on his knees grumbling about having to tie her shoes. He even made sure to slap her foot before standing up, earring a kick right to the shin.

Another plus was the police escort.

Randy had gone off first, dropping their younger sister to the middle school. Meanwhile, Minnie got a ride from a friendly police officer that happened to be the brother of one of her friends.

Why the police escort? Well, reporters suck. And this story was bound to have them all over it like the pesky flies that they are.

"Thanks again, Dewey." Minnie smiled at the fairly attractive man. He warmly smiled back wishing the girl a good day at school.

As soon as he left, reporters swarmed around her shoving the microphones into her face. Some reporters being the same ones from the night before.

Question after question, followed by huge cameras in her face, and little to no personal space, it was all so overwhelming. She could barely walk as it is and with the added crowd it was nearly impossible.

"Can you tell us anything at all?" Gale weather, a popular news reporter, persisted determined to get an answer.

Minnie huffed at the crowd that had gotten tighter around her. Minnie flipped them off, shoving them, making a small path for herself. Minnie slowly made her way to school leaving behind the thirsty roaches begging for a story.

   "...And we're not just talking killed; we're talking splatter-movie killed. Ripped open from end to end."

Minnie had shortly encountered two students talking rather loudly. She stopped in front of those students that happened to be two of her friends, Sidney Prescott and Tatum Riley.

   "Real classy, Tate." 

Both girls flinched at the new voice that entered their conversation. Sidney immediately calmed seeing her friend only to inspect her tired form.

   "Minnie, what happened?"

The girl shrugged. She gripped her backpack strap adjusting it over her shoulder. "Oh, you know, just witnessed a 'splatter-movie kill.'" Minnie quoted Tatum.

The blonde sheepishly smiled muttering a 'sorry.'

   "I'm sorry, Minnie." Sidney held the girls forearm in sympathy. "I just can't believe it."

Resuming their conversation, the trio slowed their pace to let Minnie comfortably walk with them. Sidney was clueless about this entire ordeal and relied on Tatum to catch her up on this devastating news.

   "It's sad." Tatum said. "Her mom and dad found her hanging from a tree... her insides on the outside..."

Sidney had given the blonde a look discreetly tilting her head to Minnie. Those weren't exactly the details she wanted to hear. Especially not in the presence of Minnie Meeks, now learning she had survived this killer.

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