Chapter 18

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Her plan complicated at the sight of Sidney's father, Neil Prescott. Just another witness or potential alibi if she played her cards right.

Not even caring for the wicked plan Billy and Stu shared out to Sidney involving framing Neil Prescott. All she cared for was getting herself, her twin, Sidney, and the two psychos out of this mess alive.

The leader out of the two, Billy, left Sidney. He and Stu approached the girl that still wielded the knife she once inserted into Stu's side. The younger Meeks raised the knife as she backed towards Sidney's direction.

Billy lovingly caressed the girl with his knife. His fingers from his other hands lingered over her skin slowly tracing upwards to her hand. They brushed against hers, taking the knife out her grasp.

With Sidney's back facing the wall, Billy took his chance to bring Minnie's hand to his lips, placing a kiss to her knuckles.

His eyes set intensely with the girl's. Then turning back to his friend, his partner in crime.


   "Yeah." Stu raised his hands to his head with excitement. "Yeah! I'm ready, baby!"

His shouts growing more frantic waiting for the jab. Mercilessly, Billy drove the knife to his gut. Stu doubled over.

Sidney gasped placing her hand on Minnie's shoulder.

Minnie herself was surprised. It had gotten to the point where she went back to admire their overall technique to get away with this. The exchange between stabbing went on.

Though, both boys seem to have gotten too carried away. A bit of anger laced in both the boy's tones as they spoke to each other.

Minnie took Sidney's hand. Once again, nearing the exit of the kitchen. Her sight once in a while moving to Neil Prescott on the floor.

   "You sick fucks. You've seen one too many movies." Sidney spoke behind Minnie.

   "It's not the movies."

   "Minnie Mouse is right, Sid. Don't you blame the movies. Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative." With that he unleashed another stab to Stu's side.

   "Stop it, Billy, would ya, alright?" Stu pleaded. "I can't take it anymore. I'm feeling woozy here!"

While the boys were busy with each other, Minnie caught sight of someone she wish she hadn't. She mentally sighed. With steady step, she took the gun and slid it to the doorway of the kitchen. The gun disappeared into the hands of a sly women.

As the boys fought amongst each other Minnie and Sidney kept quiet. Billy had once again pivoted, coming face to face with them. Minnie for the sake of keeping her 'innocent' act. Sidney mostly out of fear.

   "Uh, Houston, we... we have a problem here."


   "The gun, man. The gun. I put it right here."

   "Maybe you shouldn't have left it there, Stuart." Minnie scolded. Granted, this made the situation better for the girls. Given that she's a victim and all. In reality, Minnie was annoyed that yet another person was involved making things harder. Her original plan to leaving the kitchen quickly dismissed into hopeful thinking.

With the wench just outside the kitchen, she couldn't anymore without drawing attention to herself.

   "Where is it?" Billy asked.

   "Right here, asshole." Gale Weathers spoke raising the gun to the teen boys.

Minnie dragged Sidney along. She leaned to the girl whispering to follow her lead. Knowing the pair, one of them was bound to disarm or kill Gale. The geeky girl had to patiently wait for the right opening to move.

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