Maybe a Reason

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"Why do I even bother anymore."

The sun is just setting on a hill where a boy sits on a swing set with his head hanging low and pushes himself just enough to slowly sway back and forth. Dried tear stains cover his cheeks as he looks at the ground with a tired, almost defeated expression as he mutters to himself, "is there even a point anymore? It's not like I have any more motivation."

He starts to solemnly grin while looking up at the setting sun, "everyone would be better off with me gone."

His grin slowly leaves him as he slowly looks back down at the ground while saying, "it's not like anyone would care if I did just disappear."

"Hi there!!!"

His current thought gets interrupted by a strangely chipper voice along with the sound of the swing next to him going at great speed. His head slowly creeks over and he is surprised to see a girl with short orange hair and green ribbon tied up like bunny ears swing next to him. Caught off guard by the sudden visitor, all he was able to do was stare at her though with their eyes meeting, she comes to a stop and asks in a chipper tone, "whatcha staring at?"

Realizing he was staring, He goes beet red while quickly looking away and blurting out, "sorry! You just caught me by surprise!"

To his relief, he hears her laughing but still refuses to look back at her as she stops laughing and says, "oh sorry about that! I was just so excited to see the sunset from my second favourite swing that I ran over without thinking!"

Though he is confused by her overall chipper attitude, he does notice something else strange about her statement which causes him to look back at her while asking, "that's your second favourite swing?"

She eagerly nods her head with a smile which doesn't exactly ease his curiosity which intern causes him to ask, "then what is your favourite?"

She continues to smile while pointing at his seat and says, "that one!"

He blinks back at her a few times until finally realizing what she said which causes him to jump off the seat while blurting out, "sorry! I didn't mean to take it!"

He stands there waiting to get talked down to for the mistake but to his surprise, all he hears is laughter. He look back and sees the girl almost falling backwards out of her seat while holding her stomach from laughing so hard. Seeing him looking dumbfoundedly back at her causes her to stop and while wiping away a tear says, "sorry! You just had a very funny reaction!"

He continues to look back at her confused while asking, "your not mad?"

The question catches her off guard which intern causes her to look back at him with her head tilted to the side while asking, "why would I be mad?"

Seeing her confusion causes him to sheepishly looks away while replying, "because I was hogging your favourite seat?"

Still confused, she continues to look at him with her head tilted to the side while saying, "but you didn't mean to take it? And it's not like I have it reserved."

Seeing she had a point, he sighs disheartedly then responds, "right. Sorry about that."

Seeing the depressed look he was now sporting causes her to look back at him with concern but with an idea coming to mind she asks, "wanna see why it's my favourite swing?"

He shakes his head while replying, "no, you should enjoy your favourite swing not me."

Undeterred, she eagerly pats the seat while saying, "come on! It's no fun if I'm the only one that gets to enjoy it!"

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