What Have I Done?

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As he feared, the rest of the day was silent. Though he still had classes with Nakano, she remained quiet and only payed attention to the front of the class and even though he tried his best to do the same, he couldn't help but glance over but every time he does, it only adds to sadness he felt to see the gloomy look she sported. He wanted to apologize, he wanted to make things right, heck he just wants to talk to her again but knows deep down that was a terrible idea as he thinks, "what have i done? She was being so nice to me, and I snapped at her...."

He couldn't help but grab his head in despair while muttering to himself, "I'm such a horrible person."

Unbeknownst to him, most likely due to the hatred he was feeling towards himself, his seatmate couldn't help but glance over at him with a feeling of sadness building in her heart. It started when he snapped at her but now she wasn't sure, "I was sad he snapped at me but did I deserve it? I did keep pestering him even when he told me to stop? And what did he mean by not getting hurt?"

The abundance of thinking was starting to overload her brain as she mutters, "I don't even know what to do."

A thought does pop into her mind as she brightens up while thinking, "I know!!! I'll talk to him after class!!!"

She becomes smug as she continues, "he still thinks he's in the wrong so I can tell him I wanna discuss what happened at lunch!!! He'll have to listen."

With a plan forming in her mind, she starts to cheekily grin while thinking, "now I just need to use the rest of class to form a...."


The bell rings as the teacher closes her text book while saying, "alright, that's It for today. I will see you all tomorrow."

The rest of the students start getting their things ready and talking amongst themselves. Meanwhile Nakano couldn't help but stare blankly forward while thinking, "seriously? What is with this dang bell!!! It keeps ruining my planning!!!"

Realizing that this was her only chance, she looks over to Bachado who gloomily packs his things. Seeing the opportunity she was about to speak but before she could even say anything, someone steps in front of her. Recognizing the boy standing in front of her, she starts to panic while asking, "oh fuutaru? What are you doing here?"

The boy known as Fuutaru stands before her while saying, "alright, time to go study."

A realization quickly comes over her as she thinks, "oh no! I forgot Fuutaru picks me up after class!"

She glances over but to her horror, sees the seat next to her empty, her head immediately snaps over to the door where she sees the still gloomy Bachado walking out of. In a panic she gets to her feet and tries to go around him while saying, "sorry Fuutaru! But I got something urgent I need to do!"

To her dismay, an arm reaches out and stops her in her tracks while an unfazed Fuutaru states, "nice try but your not getting out of studying that easily."

In a panic she tries to get past him while blurting out, "oh come on! It'll only take a minute!!!"

Undeterred, his arm stays in place while he responds, "I don't care how long it'll take, if it takes time away from studying then it's not important."

Realizing that her target was getting away and also that she wasn't going to get anywhere at this rate, she finally agrees, "fine! Then let's go!"

Thinking that he finally got his point across, he starts to smile smugly while responding, "glad to see your putting that enthusiasm to studying, there's still hope for you yet."

Now becoming annoyed at his lack of movement but seeing an opening, she shoves past him while saying, "actually! I'll meet you back at the apartment!"

Caught off guard, he attempts to catch her while blurting out, "why you little! You lied to me!!!"

Unfortunately for him, she was able to slip past him and heads for the door while shouting, "sorry! I'll study extra hard later!!!"

She makes it to the door and frantically looks around, but to her dismay, she didn't see him anywhere and thinks, "dang it Fuutaru!!! You made me lose him. I'll have to check the exits."

She gets ready to run but before she could take off, she feels someone grab her arm. She looks back and is horrified to see Fuutaru standing there and holding her arm tightly though what scares her the most was the death glare he was sporting while he snaps, "just for that, you're doing extra exam questions!!!"

Horrified to hear this and seeing that she had no where else to go, her head simply falls in defeat while muttering, "fine."

As he starts more or less dragging her down the hall, an idea comes to mind as she pulls out her phone while thinking, "I know! I'll get the word out to the others to look out for him!!!"

Meanwhile, a still glumly Bachado walks down one of the stairwells with his head still hanging low as he thinks, "what horrible luck, I wanted to apologize to her but that guy just showed up out of no where.... I wonder if he's her boyfriend?"

A horrible thought comes to mind as he thinks, "if he is and I made her cry, what would he do to me? I guess it's probably a good thing that I left quickly or else he might have beat me up."

He finally makes it out of the building and was ready for the long walk home though he pauses at the gate when he hears a strange voice saying, "so you're the one who made my sister cry?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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