Is This Home?

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‘He was moody, sure. But dangerous? I couldn’t have that.

Wind swayed the pine trees, thankfully the night hadn’t brought rain. Although most of the path had been clear the breeze must have blown a tree over it, forcing me to ever so gracefully jump over, avoiding the boulders that I had no explanation for. The dark sky carried on. Soon I managed to get there, sunset at it’s peak. As the rain now pattered lightly, I heard faint chitchat from the horse stables. The talking soon halted as I entered, one hand on the reign of Thunder as I rode. I was glad now that my parents couldn’t take him away, even if he did live up to his name. I heard whispers of, ‘Who’s that?’ and ‘He’s got some looks.’ making me smile. It turned into a grin when I spotted them. Grey, curly hair. Wrinkled skin with light freckles. A grin on their mouth with a shimmering glint in their hazel eyes. They’d spotted me as well. “Nini!” I hugged them with one arm while I held Thunder, they hugged with both. “Jameson!” I rolled my eyes, “You know I hate that.” They smirked, taking Thunder from my hand and calling someone over, she spoke. “Fine, my lovely grandson, Theo.” I hugged them once more, wide and happy. “I missed you, Nini.” They turned their attention to another guy heading this way. “Theo, this is Arthur. I’m sure he’d help you get settled in.” I turned to the boy, a little older than me. Eighteen? His eyes stared at me already, somehow glinting yellow like a lion’s fur in the sunlight, with specks of green. I admired them until he spoke, voice rich in darkness but more so attitude. “When you’re done admiring me, I can show you to a stall.” I glared, but he laughed. Quite Elysian. Without much fuss, Thunder followed him.

“So.. What brang you here?” Arthur questioned. I glanced at him, no expression of worry or curiosity really. Just a normal face staring ahead. “Just my parents..” I mumbled, trying not to think back to the part where they had casually told me they were going to sell my horse. “Oh, where are they?” This time he seemed curious, glancing around. “Don’t know, don’t care. But they’ll probably be here soon to drag me back.” I sighed as he gave me a weird look, same with the other riders. I hardened my facial expression. “Don’t ask.” I grumbled, taking Thunder from him and giving him a small pat. “Nini will keep us safe, Thunder.” I whispered to him when nobody was watching. “Well, this is a spare stall. I suppose you could use it, just ask me if you need anything.”

“Hey, Arthur. I hadn’t realized you’d be fucking a newbie just yet.” I clenched my teeth, eyes set on a girl I’d recognize anywhere. “Jazmine.” She turned her attention to me, bright red lips quirking into a smile as my voice darkened. “Aw, it’s you! Little James, I missed you so much!!” I grinded my teeth as she pulled me into a hug, seeing Jasper herding his way towards us was also something making me edge my way to the exit. “Lovely to see you again, Jameson.” I heard his mocking tone as someone else snorted. “Wish I could say the same about you, John.” He glared as I called his hated name aloud. “Me and my brother here were just dropping something off, we’re deliverers now!” Jazmine squealed. “Of cource you are, couldn’t keep up?” She smiled, though it was so very obvious she was pissed as many others laughed. “With a noob such as yourself, why bother?” She turned, flicking her brunette hair into my face before following her brother out. I managed to growl out, “I fucking hate her.” I heard footsteps, Arthur’s muscular arm coming around me to rub my arm. “Don’t worry, everybody else does too.”

The sun began to sink when I’d remembered my way to the dining hall, loud talking making it appear as though it were a mile away. Walking in, i could see it was plenty different then the years I’d been aloud here way back. Fairy lights strung up from the low hanging ceiling, the wooden benches being replaced by circular tables with more fitting wooden benches as seats. The area was darkly lit, but not so much so that you could hardly see or that it would be considered a bar, just enough to give an aesthetic edge. I, scanning the area for any familiar faces, came in contact with Arthur once more. He, like a few others, was dressed in a button up and light colored jeans as he sat further towards the food. He called me over. “Nice to see you haven’t bunkered up somewhere.” Was what was said to me when I sat down next to him, I gave him a strange look. “I just mean you look like you’re one for your solitude.” He stated, clearly trying to make me feel better or something. Although, with what he was trying to do, it wasn’t doing much. I laughed, “I can’t imagine why.” It was raw honesty. “Well, if not, I’m sure you’d be pleasured to meet my friends.” At that, everybody’s eyes at the table seemed to turn to us. All friendly, just a little weird with the timing. “Ahh, my wonderful friend is finally going to introduce me to his boyfriend!” A male in an unprofessional suit grinned, making his way over to our side of the table and shoving his way between me and Arthur. “He won’t get jealous if I sit on you will he?” Arthur laughed at the other boy’s antics, shoving a hand through his raven hair as he lit the world on fire with his smile. “He’s not my boyfriend, Calumn, this is my FRIEND Theo. He’s Tilly’s grandson.” Calumn turned to me, grin on his light face, hand through chestnut curls as he edged his way onto Arthur’s lap. None of the people at the table said anything, so I had to assume this was normal for the two. “You’d have to excuse Calumn, this is just the way he is.” Arthur tells me, wrapping his arms around the other in a warm embrace. “You love me.” Calumn returns. “Mm, do I now?” Is Arthur’s retaliation as he pushes Calumn off him, making the other pout like a child. “Stop flirting with each other, I wanna meet your friend too!” A girl, orange jacket matching with her short flames, smiles politely across the table. “Don’t worry, babe, I would never cheat on you!” Calumn then manages to squeeze his way next to her, kissing her cheek. “Oh, shut it you simp.” She giggles, but not one of those really girly ones where you want to make them become mute. Her teeth almost show as she bites her lip, the only sign she’s nervous. Scoffing, the guy turns his back to her and starts a different conversation, turning her attention towards me. She opens her mouth to mouth to speak, but instead a blonde male stands up banging what seems to be the clash of plates or pans but is in reality two plastic swords, “Argh! You know what I think it’s time for?!” He manages to hype up most of the riders in the dining hall as they realise the familiarity of it all, so do I. Laughing, I join in with the shouting as two boys jump on the blonde’s table and tackle him off it, “Pirates of the Caribbean!” Arthur seems to be surprised as I jump up with Calumn and the dark flame haired girl and start jabbing them with a plastic sword thrown towards me. I can tell Calumn often tends to get him into these types of things, though, as he begins to poke Arthur with his own sword.

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