whiskey shots

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"Jenna! Get the fuck out of my house! Right now!" Navya yelled

"Jeez Navs, calm down!"

"Shut up! Pack up and leave!"

"What's going on?" Millie entered the house with a bottle of whiskey.

"I am just telling her to leave!"

"Navs honey, chill out. Jenna you go now!"

Navya took the bottle from Millie's hand and opened it in a go, chugging a long sip. She looked at her friend with a grin as Jenna left the house.

"How was work?"

"It was okay, I guess?" Millie laughed. "Whatever be ready!"

"Why? Are we going out?" Navya rose her brows.

"Remember, I cancelled the musicals?"

"It was your work, Mils."

"Now we are going to the club!"

"You know I dont like to go to the clubs!"

"But you love some fine shots, dont you?"

"I will be ready in a minute," Navya jumped up from the sofa and ran to her room.

Navya's eyes moved across her closet, looking for a perfect pair of clothes. Everything was purple and purple everywhere. She picked up a purple dress with puffed sleeve and modelled in front of the mirror and smiled to herself.

"Navs, how long?"

"Two minutes!" Navya yelled and flipped her hair.

She walked out and linked her arm with Millie, "Lets go!"

They walked to the nearby club and it was posh. Neon lights blinding the eyes, loud music, scents of alcohol and weed mixed with smoke invaded everywhere. Navya looked around and smiled. It had been ages, she came to the club.

"We are going to meet some people today," Millie whispered.

"What? Who?" Navya looked at her best friend.

"Dont get angry! Its actually William and Lou-"

"Mils, I told you! I am not coming back to the agency!" Navya muttered with gritted teeth.

The brunette started to walk out when she bumped with someone.
"Sorry, I didnt notice," the fine male voice didnt even make her look at the person.

"Whatever," Navya flipped her hair and looked at Millie, "I am going back!"

"Navs, please! I am sorry!"

"You know I can't."

"Okay. We dont have to meet anyone. We will get drunk, okay?"


Millie heaved a sigh and walked in the club with Navya who already walked towards the table. She looked around to find William and Louis. She walked over to them and stood by William.

"She is a bit angry! We will meet after sometimes," Millie said looking at other direction.

"When she is drunk?"

"Yes. Maybe."

"Fine by me."

Millie looked over at them and walked to Navya and ordered their shots.

"Where had you been?" Navya hold up her glass.

"Calling a person," Millie mumbled and chugged the drink.

Navya looked at her glass and and sipped the whole drink in a go. The whiskey ran down her throat, burning but she loved the feeling. She wanted to let loose, drink and dance! She took shots after shots and after she wasnt able to stand, she swayed to the dance floor. But she didnt loved the song and walked back to the table and ordered another shots. Being almost tipsy, Navya didn't realise that Millie was there, instead while she was busy drinking, Millie was planning with the two boys.

"Yayy! Lets get drunk, baby!" Navya's shouts made the trio to look at her direction.

Navya standing on the table with a bottle of whiskey in her hand as she danced on the table. Millie looked at her sighed.

"Are you sure, Millie?" Louis said, eyes glued to Navya.

"About what?"

"Uhm... she is the one?"

"Hundred percent."

"I already love her," William mumbled, gaining odd looks from the two.

"She is coming over here."

"Navs, you are drunk," Millie tried to hold her hand.

"No Mils. Lets meet them you wanted."


"No, now."

Navya walked past Millie and made her comfortable between Louis and William. She looked at both of them but stared at Louis for a minute longer than needed.

"I like you, pretty face. Wanna drink?" Navya extended the bottle towards Louis.

"I am fine."

"Try it. Its fucking awesome."

"Well... If you insist." Louis took the bottle from her hand as she looked at him, in a wanting way.

"What were you writing?" Navya leaned over Louis as William and Millie shared a look.

"Work stuff."

"Dont lie, Agent. I know you two came to meet me."

"You know?"

"I am not that dumb. I needed distractions and I got drunk," Navya smiled and winked at her best friend.


"Tell me where to sign?"


Navya grabbed the pen from William's hand and looked at the paper. She laughed hysterically at the trio and signed the paper in a quick go, without reading once.

"You didnt even read?" Louis almost yelled.

"It wasn't necessary. I know all the shits written there," Navya grinned.

"Alright then, welcome to the team, Agent Flick."

As the words came out of Louis' mouth, Navya felt the ground moving under her feet. She tried to grabbed Louis' hand and before she could succeed, she was on the ground, fainted.

"Lets properly welcome her tomorrow then, at the agency."

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