red headed slut

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"I really need a drink now!" Navya grumbled walking out of the freezer room.

"What did you mean by the labels?" Louis asked.

"I need a drink first."

"There is a bar nearby..."

"Lets go!"

"Shall I call Millie and Will-"

"Only you and I."
Navya dragged Louis by his arm towards the lift. He had to admit he liked the touch whereas Navya didnt care much. She only concentrated about getting a drink.

Getting out of the agency, they walked to the bar. No one talked in the walk. It was peaceful and Louis loved it.

"Pink lips? Really?" Navya scrunched her nose reading the bar's name.

"They got amazing drinks."

"Still. Who names a bar Pink Lips?"

"Lets get inside."

Navya walked in after Louis. Though it was daytime, the bar was crowded and smell of various drinks and weed mixed in the air.

"I love this place." Navya grinned.

"Told you. Lets get drinks."

They walked to the table and sat down. Louis called a waiter as Navya looked at a couple kissing in a corner. She cringed at the sight but even wanted something romantic to happen in her life.

"A root beer for me. And what about you?" Louis asked, causing Navya to look at him.

"I would love a red headed slut."

The waiter walked away as Louis looked at the brunette.

"What?" Navya eyed the boy.

"What did you order again?"

"Red headed slut."

"Is that a thing?"

"Oh boy! You dont know? Fine you may taste one?"

"Now who names a drink that?" Louis mocked as Navya laughed.

When the waiter came with the drinks, Louis looked amazed at the girl who took sips of the drink and ordered two more.

"Now can we talk about the labels?" Louis spoke taking a sip.

"Yep. Lets get back first."

"So, I looked at the bodies again and there is something?"
Navya spoke as Louis, Millie and William sat around the table, each had a root beer bottle in their hands.

"She is talking about the labels on the ankles?" Louis pointed.

"Thanks Agent Partridge." Navya smiled.
"As I said, it may mean two things; one, the killer takes a track of their murders by numbering them and for the L, I am not really sure."

"What about the other opinion?"

"And if they actually keep a track, then two bodies are missing."

"What do you mean?"

"Thats a good song!"

"Shut up William!" Louis glared.

"Sorry. Navya continue." William mumbled.

"Well, as I was saying that if they keep a track, then two bodies are missing. Because the bodies we found, have the labels as L1, L3, L4, L5, L7, L8."

'That means there are another two bodies as L2 and L6?"


"But we didnt found any other bodies besides these."

"Either they were dumped somewhere else or may not have been killed ye-"

"Agent Partridge, a man called. A new body is found," Mike yelled running in the cabin.

"Lets go!"

Navya ran down the muddy roads and jumped from the sloppy fields to reach the body. The body was dumped in the middle of the huge field. One look of the body, made Navya shiver. She was shocked seeing the body and made her keep standing there still, speechless.

She knew who it was, whose body it was, who was lying in front of her, dead? She knew.

"Agent Flick, you gotta see this?" Louis yelled.

"Yeah.... yeah... I com- am coming."

"You good?"

"Totally. So everything same like the other bodies?"

"Yes. But he was very brutally beaten up before being killed."

"Someone took a good revenge before killing," William scoffed.

"Kind of."

"Take the body to Dr James."

"And what's the label now?" Navya asked.


"I told you. Wait... whats in his hand?"
Navya reached the dead body and took a scrunched up paper from its hand.

"Its a note?" Louis cocked his head.

Navya unfolded the paper and some words were scribbled in red,

'heard you joined the agency again, navs. good luck finding me then. xx'

Louis leaned over her to read whats written but she scrunched up the paper and walked away, inhaling deeply.

"Agent Flick, are you good?" Louis ran over the brunette.

"I am fine. Just a headache."

"Can I know what was in that note?"

Navya looked at him, she wanted to tell him but something inside her didnt wanted.

"Not related to the case."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Hey Lou... I mean Agent Partridge, can I head back to the agency?"

"Sure. Millie is going back. You can go with her."

Navya gave Louis a small smile and ran towards the car, where Millie was standing.

"You wont believe what just happened?" Millie exclaimed.
"I just got a match in Tinder! He is so hot."

"Its Ector's body!" Navya mumbled.


"This body," Navya pointed.
"Its Ector's. I know him."


"He used to date Lydia."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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