Manan under one roof

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Next day;

Finally nandini was getting discharged today from this hell (nandini ki language me) Her chachi and chacha came to pick her up. Nandini was damn happy but manik was little sad as from now they cant meet each other daily but he hides his emotions seeing her excitement. He also knw she has to go one day or the other. Now he was giving her a long lecture of do's and don't do's.

Nan(getting irritated)- manik enough now u have already given my prescription list to chachi toh i knw she not gonna let me be in peace if i forget any medicine (shanno slaps her arm slowly making her chuckle) and u have scared me by saying u will come anytime to check on me so i wont pull any stunt dont wry and now pls just let me go na.

Man- ok ok i m leaving this now but u mark my words nandini one stunt and i will again admit u here and this time trust me noone will be worse than me understood. (nandini rolls her eyes but one glare of him and she immidiately nods making him smile) chachi u have my no. r8 call me if she throws any tantrums and pls make sure to give her only light food. Her wounds havent healed properly so i m giving her heavy doses medicines toh she needs healthy diet. I will give u her diet chart make something from that only.

S(smiles)- manik nandu is my daughter so dont wry i m gonna take full care of her.

Manik smiles and nods.

Man- ok then u r all ready to leave. (giving her papers) here is her discharge papers and medicines. Take care.

Chacha- thnk u dr manik. (they shake hands) lets go nandu.

Nandini was about to get up but manik immidiately stops her.

Man- oye wht r u doing?

Nan(looks at him weirdly)- r u by any chance suffering from short time memory loss....(manik glares her) what why r u looking at me like this tum harkatein hi aesi kr rhe ho. Are u forget just now u gave me discharged r8 so i m going my home. They r my chacha chachi. Kuchh yaad aaya...

Man- shut up stupid i remember everything...But i think u forget i have suggested u full time bedrest so why were u trying to stand?

Nan- Manik i think u have hit ur head somewhere. U need treatment asap. (shouts) Idiot i dont have any magical power that i can reach home by just sitting here in a blink of eye. I have to get up and walk till cab so that i can go. What is wrong with u today...

Man(sighs)- ok ok calm down nandini. I mean u cant walk bcz ur injuries r still not healed (nandini was about to shout at him again) thats why i have told nurse to bring a wheel chair for u. I will drop u till cab got it now.

Nan- ohh ok but hey i dont want to sit on wheel chair.....eww i will look like a patient.

Man(tight smile)- ohh yaa we forgot we called u here for a dance performance r8...

Nan(glares him)- manik its not funny ok.

Man(seriously)- then stop making these stupid jokes. Ofcourse u r a patient idiot.

Nan- whatever but still i m not gonna sit on this wheel chair.

Chacha- nandini whats problem in this...if u wont sit then how we will go. I m sry but i cant lift u in my arms.

S(tensely)- are we can manage here anyhow but what about at home? Nandini u knw na urs and even ours room is at first floor. How will u climb stairs?

Man- way she is climbing stairs. I just now told u na she cant even walk then just forget about stairs. 

Chacha- then where she gonna stay bcz even her apartment is on second floor and there is no lift.

Nan- umm chacha how about we take a room on rent which is on ground floor for some weeks?

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