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"oh shit!!" I yell as a wave knocks me off of my board

The waves push me past all the waves and I keep going under water but I try to go back up for air

The current brings me really far out. I can see the island and that's it.

I hear a boat pass.

"HELP! HELP!" I yell I think a rock scratched my leg so my leg is bleeding

The boat comes closer and I see Rafe and Topper.

They stop the boat.

"little dirty pogue is drowning?" Topper says

"dude" Rafe says looking at Topper like 'what the fuck'

"can you just not hate me for like 10minutes please" I say, tears were falling of pain.

"yeah come on up, let me help you" Rafe says

"so what happened?" Topper asks as if he cared

"i was just surfing with JJ and John B and the current brought me here and a rock cut my leg" I say showing them my leg

"damn that looks bad" Topper says

"you think?" I say

"what were you doing on the kooks side anyways?" Rafe asks

"the waves on our side weren't good so I said to go here" I say

"alright" Rafe says

"fuck that shit hurts" I say looking at my cut

"when we get on land we'll fix that" Rafe says

"thanks, do you mind if i use one of your phones to call Jj please" I say

"sure" Topper says giving me his phone

I type in JJs number and it rings

"hello?" He says

"hey Jj it's Sof" I say

"JOHN B ITS SOF" I hear JJ say in the phone "where are you? who are you with? who's phone is this? are you okay?"

"jj calm down, Rafe and Topper were passing by and accepted to bring me back to shore, yes i'm okay except for the fact that I have a fucking cut on my leg. I'm like 10minutes away from Tannyhill. And finally it's Toppers phone"

"you're seriously with kooks right now, especially with them" Jj asks with an attitude through the phone

"shut the fuck up JJ they could have left me to die. Come to Tannyhill in ten minutes. I expect you to be there with my red bulls."

"yeah yeah, alright i'm glad you're okay, love you"

"yeah love you too" I say hanging up and giving topper back his phone

"so you and maybank dating" Rafe says casually

"nope, he made that pretty clear" I say

"What does that mean?" Rafe asks

"Well he prefers me as his best friend and why am I even telling you this, it's none of you're business god"

"Well I did save your life" Rafe argues

"We did" Topper interrupts Rafe

"You wanted to let her drown Top" Rafe argues again

I roll my eyes and so do they.

"So does Sarah only stay with you or does she stay with your brother" Topper asks

"The truth is she always stay with us, like the pogues. I guess sometimes she only stays with John B when I sleep at Jj's or Kiara's house" I say

I see him looking slightly hurt

"Sorry" I say

"Do you sleep often at Maybanks house" Rafe asks

"Only when his dad is out at Barry's house for the night , why?"

"He's there often" Rafe says

"Listen I know you dont like JJ" I say

"Great observation" Rafe interrupts me

"But that doesn't give you an excuse to trash talk his dad, sure I know that Luke isn't the best dad but still god damn it, and please don't say those stuff in front of me." I say starting to get angry

"Calm down princess" Rafe says as I roll my eyes

We finally get to Tannyhill after two minutes of awkward  silence.

I see JJ and Pope holding three cans of red bulls and three cans of beer.

JJ runs in my arms and tells me to never scare him like that.

"Well thanks guys I owe you one" I say to Topper and Rafe

"No worries princess" Rafe winks but I flip him off laughing

"why did he call you princess?" Pope asks

"better no questions asked" I say

"if he calls you princess one more time though I'm gonna kick his ass, I only kept my mouth shut because he saved your life. Lucky bastard" JJ says and I roll my eyes smiling

As we walk towards the van I realised I forgot my keys in the boat. I always have my pair of keys attached on my ankle bracelet when I go surfing, and when I went in the boat I must of left them in there.I'll have to see Rafe again to get them back. I'll go tomorrow.

We drive back home and I drink my beer and my red bull.

"Oh my god Sof, I'm so glad you're back" Sarah gives me a huge hug then John does the same. Kiara jumps on me making sure not to hurt me

"now let's take care of that cut" JJ says even though I know that our bandages are only a paper towel and tape.

+the next day+
"Hey guys I'm just gonna go for a ride, I have to look for my keys" I say

"Do you want me to come with you?" JJ asks

"Nah, I'm good" I say

"If you say so..." JJ says

I smile then I leave heading to the Cameron's

After a few minutes of driving kind of fast I arrive.

I see Rafes dirt bike in the yard which means he's there. I knock and Ward answers the door.

"Oh hey Sofia, can I help you with anything?" Ward asks letting me in the house

"Hello Mr Cameron, I have to see Rafe, is he in his room?"

He looks confused but says that he is. So I knock on his door and Rafe says

"Not now wheezie"

"It's none of your sisters" I say going in Rafe's surprising cleaned room

"Oh princess, what's up?"

"Are you ever gonna stop calling me princess?" I ask

"Nope" Rafe says

"Okay then, anyways I forgot my keys in your boat so I came to them back"

"Oh okay I didn't see them, we can go now if you want" Rafe says

"Well what else do you want us to do?" I ask confused to Rafes last sentence but then I realised that my question was kinda, you know ;) "never mind dont answer that"

He smirks at me and I roll my eyes

"So hows that cut?" Rafe asks looking down at my leg

"Well when I went back home JJ put a paper towel over it but as you can see it kind of fell off, but over all it doesn't hurt that bad"

"Well from here it looks worse then yesterday, let me put some disinfecting spray on it and I'll put a proper bandage on it" Rafe says

"If you insist" I say

End of chapter :0

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