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hold on tightly to your phones, this is going to take a turn.

I go into Rafes car, with him by my side. He starts to drive and we put some music on. It was really dark outside and we've both had too much to drink.

Then out of nowhere a car flies into us. Suddenly I couldn't feel anything anymore. I couldn't hear or see, I couldn't feel the glass entering my skin. I couldn't feel my head that was being moved everywhere. But I did feel coldness.

Everything went dark and from there on I could not remember anything else.

Was I dead?

ow! Damn it! Is Sofia okay? Oh my fucking god. Why is there so much blood.

A car just drove into my car. My car was thrown off the main road. The car flipped twice. A few pieces of glass came into my skin but it wasn't very deep. Now on the other hand Sofias cuts were way deeper.

Please tell me she's not dead.

I call 9-1-1 directly. I get her out of the car and shake her

"wake up sofia, wake up baby. Come on wake up!"

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" The lady says through my phone

"my girlfriend and I got into a car accident, I think she's dead" I say in between cries. She can't die on me, she can't she can't she can't! She was the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. Please don't be dead.

"what's your name sir, and what's her name?" The lady asks

"i'm Rafe Cameron, and she's Sofia Wood. Please come now!!" I say starting to get angry

"calm down Mr Cameron I'm sending paramedics right away" She says

"tell them to hurry! She going to die!" I say getting even more mad. Not wanting to hear her annoying voice I throw my phone on the grass and I hold her in my arms.

"please wake up" I tell her over and over.

I hold her in my arms even harder. I kiss her lips and wipe off as much blood as I can. I try to take off the little pieces of glass.

I am going to fucking kill the person that killed my Sofia. My girl. My future wife. My hole life.

I put my finger on her wrist to feel a pulse. There was nothing.

"FUCK!" I yell at the top of my lungs letting the hole island know that I don't have my lover anymore.

I hear the ambulance. The take her away. I just sat on the grass looking at the sky.

She's dead, it's my fault. If I didn't drink she would have still been alive. I can't live without her.

"Sir, are you Rafe Cameron" A man asks me

My eyes are probably all red, I nod. He brings me in the ambulance. I see Sofia lying there. She was all bloody. I had her blood all over me.

"what happened Mr Cameron?" Another man asks me taking out deeper pieces of glass from my skin. It didn't hurt, well no it hurt like hell, I was just too sad that I couldn't feel anything.

"a car drove into us. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have had that last beer" I say putting my hands on my eyes

"it is not your fault, what did the other car look like?" He asks me

"i don't know, it just happened" I answer

After a few more questions we finally get to the hospital. Avery and Tony arrived as soon as they got the call. I was sitting next to Sofia, holding her hand never letting go.

TOXIC LOVE || Rafe Cameron x Sofia RoutledgeWhere stories live. Discover now