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These four days have been the quickest ever. Logan and I have become incredibly close and he wants me to be his girlfriend but I told him I have to think about it.

I'm still madly in love with Rafe. All I want to do right now is kiss him.

Logan accompanied me to the ship. He helps me park my motorcycle on the ship.

"Ill miss you" Logan says

We hug for about three minutes

"bye logan! Come whenever you want!" I say kissing him and going on the boat. He waved to me and we don't break eye contact until the boat is fully away.

I'll miss him too.

I send a message to mom telling her that I'm going to John B's house to hangout for a little bit.

It's near 2pm and I finally arrive at the deck. I get my motorcycle down and I ride off. I don't even care I go as fast as possible. I get to the chateau at 2:34pm. When I get in no one seems to be there. I go towards the backyard and I see them finishing some decorations

"i've only been gone for a few days you know" I laugh

They turn around and run to me. We hug and Sarah kisses my cheek.

"you're back!" Kie says

"indeed" I say "what's all this?"

"for you! You know we really love you and we wanted to throw you a little surprise pogue party" Sarah says

"that's so sweet guys" I say smiling

"no problem" John B answers

We sit on the chairs and JJ brings beers out.

"so tell us about Logan" Pope says

"I don't know what to say. He's changed my life. He's very sweet and strong. He really likes me and I do to but I'm just not in love like he is with me" I say "he wants me to become his girlfriend but I don't want to"

"well no one should force you to be someone's girlfriend" Sarah says

"yeah" I say

"happy for midsummers?" Jj asks obviously being sarcastic

"actually I want to go. I want to go with you guys" I say

"well Pope , John B and I are going to be servers" JJ says

I burst out laughing. "I'm still gonna be under shock when I'll see all of you three with a suit and tie, serving kooks with a smile"

"we're only doing this to be with you guys and because heyward wants us to do it" John B says it

We finish the afternoon by dancing and drinking a few beers. They repeat over and over throughout the afternoon that they love me and that they always will. What have they done?

The girls and I leave to go to Kies house. We have to go by Tanny Hill so that Sarah can get her dress. The girls want me to go with them.

I decide to go with them. As we get in Ward greets us.

"girls! It's been a while, how are you Sofia?" He asks

"I'm great, yourself?"

"i'm great, I hope you girls are getting ready for tonight, especially you Sofia because you're going to do the big entrance with us" He says

"what?" I ask not understanding

"with Rafe, he hasn't talked to you about it?" Ward says

"I'm not with Rafe anymore" I say

He looks shocked.

"oh I'm sorry I didn't know" He says

"it's fine" I say

We go upstairs and Sarah get her dress quickly. We pass Rafes room. He was on the phone with someone. I try to listen nonchalantly

"you can't sell it to me anymore Barry! I'm not doing this again. You know that she means the world to me. I can't fuck it up by starting cocaine again" He says

I want to knock and go in and kiss him but I can't.

The two girls come back out of Sarahs room.

"come on Sofia!" Sarah says. Fuck, Rafe heard it because he stopped talking

"yup I'm coming" I say leaving his door

I run to the girls and I hear the door opening

We get to Kies truck and we head to her house.

Once we get there we run in. We get dressed quickly so that we would have time to put some makeup on, so our hair and film tiktok's.

"girls I'm gonna do a video for maybelline so I'm gonna need a side of the bathroom" I say

"yup, right here" Kie says taking away some of her products

I make my video putting all of my products from maybelline that I bought when I was still in LA.

The girls help me do my hair. They put it up in a half pony and curl all of my black and gray hair strands.

I put on some white heels and a matching purse.

I quickly edit the video and I post it on my new insta account.

I get into Kies truck and we head to Tanny Hill.

We get there right around the time when the Camerons do their 'grand entrance'.

Kie and I wait with the pogues. They make their big entrance. Rafe. He's holding on to Sarah's arm. He's just perfect. His blue eyes are incredibly sparkling. His tie matches my dress.

I feel JJ's eyes on mine. He's watching me watch Rafe.

"you know Rafe came by, he really loves you, you know" Pope says

I ignore him and walk to Rafe. He was talking to older kooks.

"rafe can I talk to you?" I say

Right when he hears my voice he stops the conversation. He takes my hand and takes me further.

"Rafe. I choose you. I fucking choose you" I say taking deep breaths

Rafe takes my waist and places a kiss on my lips.

"you don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that" Rafe says hugging me

"but there's one problem, Logan" I say

"what about him?" Rafe asks

"he's the one that started my new job, he loves me" I say

"who do you love more, him or me" Rafe asks

"you" I say and he smiles.

I've made my choice. I choose him. I choose him over anyone. I want him and only him. He takes my hand and we go back to the people. He keeps an arm around me all the time, even when I went to see the pogues.

He's making efforts, in fact they're all making efforts..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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