Chapter 49: Banshee Mountain

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We found the thunderbirds all right but struggled to think of a way to get their blood until Zaxl told me he had a water spell that would immobilize the birds.

"What are you waiting for?!" Cast the damn spell already," J rudely yelled.

"Aquabreath!" he shouted and unleashed a torrent of water.

"Woah!" I shouted, impressed by Zaxl's power.

"Pretty cool, eh?" Z asked the both of us.

"Very cool!" Jethro excitedly exclaimed.

"Now, comes the part I hate. Give me your jewel knife, Jethro.

"Okay, but if you ruin it..." he trailed off.

"Relax, I'm careful, unlike a certain someone," he chuckled, a guttural sound.

"Here is the damn knife," Jethro grumbled and watched as Zaxl slit its throat. The blood dripped like a waterfall, a dark aqua color.

"I think we are finished here!" I exclaimed to Yuna.

"Yes, you most certainly are. Now, all that remains are the phoenix feathers.

"Could you teleport us where they are?"

"They're on this mountain, dummy," she replied with an angelic laugh.

"But where?!" Jethro raged.

"Look to the east," she said, giving us a hint of where to look.

We looked east and found a nest of phoenixes huddled together; their feathers like embers of a dying fire.

"I'd feel so bad about pulling out their feathers!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I'll do it," he said, casting Aquabreath yet again.

"Zaxl!" I excitedly exclaimed.

"What?" he asked curiously.

"Your tail grew back!" I remarked in awe.

"I had nearly forgotten about it!" he remarked and pulled out phoenix feathers.

Yuna was satisfied with three and told us to go back to Mount Ishak. We asked her to teleport us and she obliged us yet again.

Time to raise the dead!

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