Chapter 82: The Trees Are Alive! AKA Rise of the Tree Ents

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It didn't take long for us to discover that the trees were very much alive. Jethro was the first to notice it and then I noticed it too.


"Yeah?" he asked with a yawn.

"I'm scared," I said with a shiver.

"Do not fear, the ents are a peaceful people," the tree in front of us spoke. It was a birch the color of snow.

"Do you swear you are peaceful?" Jethro asked, gripping his sword tightly.

"We promise we are. Watch out for Root Rot though. He isn't peaceful at all. He hates humans and will kill any human on sight." he explained.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Birchley. I'm the brother of Oakley." Oakley, show yourself please!"

Oakley appeared and he was massive. He was a great oak and towered over even the tallest trees in the forest. He was about a hundred feet tall and spoke in a gruff yet gentle tone.

"Hello, fellas!" he boomed.

"Hello!" Zaxl exclaimed.

"Finally you speak Zaxl!" Jethro chuckled.

"Didn't have much to say, I guess," he shrugged his massive shoulders.

"Where is this Root Rot? Let's kill the son of a bitch!" Jethro excitedly exclaimed.

"Right here I am, I'm glad you want to kill me, little man!" Root Rot hissed.

"I don't want to fight against you," Jethro cried out in horror.

"Too late for that! Prepare for battle!" 

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