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Lynxclan lives on the top of a huge mountain range, the bottom of the tallest mountain is used as a connection to Dawnclan, a waterfall covers the hollows entrance, stepping stones lead to the entrance.

Lynxclan's camp is place on the middle mountain, the smallest one at the top. A small yet dense group of trees surrounds the camp, sheltering the clan. Dens are made from dug out dirt caverns and some tree hollows. There is a large collection of boulders lead to the camp.

Lynxclan usually has a little amount of prey, mainly consisting of hawks, eagles, lizards and occasionally fish and hares.

Predators include of Wolves, Lynxes and Mountain lions. Although they do not intentionally attack cats Moose and Elk are unlucky to come across in stampedes.

Lynxclan's past high ranks were:

Lynxstar, Ryestar, Gorsestar, Ivystar. ⭐️

Hawksplash, Bluetail and Nightfur. 🌱

Stormpelt , Ryeheart, Gorsenose, Ivyleap and Ripplewhisker. ✨

Lynxclan are known for their arrogant, prideful demeanour but also their skill in fighting and crafting.  

Within Lynxclan cats usually have paler pelts to blend in with snow, cats without pale pelts are either killed at birth or forced to be a medicine cat, elder or never leave camp. Cats without mates and dark pelted kits will be killed as this is seen as the kits being half-clan.

Lynxclan also seem to be extremely large, almost bigger then lynxes.

Lynxclan seems to follow no ancestors at all, instead choosing to say their dead members become the white ravens that live in the territory, marking the raven not allowed to be hunted

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