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Disclaimer : Please note that everything in this story is pure fictional. In no way am I associating anything with real life people. This story is purely of my imagination and remains as just a fan fiction. Please enjoy and tell me what you think. Happy reading my lovely readers!

"I am so sorry. I'm so sorry, please let me help."

I stopped in my tracks.


       I walked into the coffee shop across from the epicenter of stardom. The sun was shining particularly bright and the light bounced off of the reflective glass windows of the Hybe building. It was annoying the hell out of me. I walked towards the counter and went to the back room to put on my apron and put my bag into my locker. I went back out again to start preparing the shop before opening time. My colleague (and lifelong best friend) Tristan Alexis walked into the shop seconds after I had just started heating up the croissants and other pastries. "Hey bub," she said not looking at me and walking straight to the back room before coming back out fully clad in her apron and cap. I didn't say 'hi' back but just held out my hand indicating that I noticed her presence. She went to lean against the counter beside me as I was pre-checking the oven settings. "Bad night at home again"? She asked me fiddling with the strings of her apron.

      I leaned back up and looked away from her exhaling, "It was just a rough night. Nothing new," I said folding my arms. She looked at me with her signature resting bitch face but with a hint of concern laced in her eyes. "I'm sorry your family is still giving you trouble. I'm here for you just so you know," she said putting her hand on my shoulder. "I know," I said looking at her with a soft smile. Suddenly, our boss comes barging in with an annoyingly cheery smile on his face. "Good morning my lovely coffee-grinders!", he says in a sing-song voice. Tristan goes forward towards the counter with a fake smile on her face, "Morning boss!" Our boss came forward and pinched Tristan's cheek. "Save it Alexis. I can detect fake peppy-ness when I see it."

     I laughed a silent laugh as Tristan's fake smile disappeared and was replaced with her usual resting bitch face. "Good to know boss." She said and got back to starting up the coffee machine and putting out the paper cups and lids. Our boss, or Marsh as we call him, starts going around and rearranging the tables and chairs and lighting the scented candles, "Today is a big day girls. That famous boy band ENHYPEN, just returned from their world tour yesterday and I got word that they usually spend time around this area since it's close to the Hybe building. If we're in luck, they might come here and attract a crowd. We can't miss this." Tristan was now taking the pastries out of the oven and glanced at me quickly with a small smile and looked back to Marsh as she placed the freshly baked treats on the display cases, "Sounds good boss." Meanwhile, I was not even paying attention at this point. I stopped listening and entered my own world as soon as I heard Marsh say the word 'ENHYPEN'.ENHYPEN, the band that has my whole heart. Even more, the man that has not only my heart but my whole soul, Park Jongseong. Or, Jay.

   I was completely zoned out as Tristan and Marsh were talking. All I could think about was that the band was finally back in Korea. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my ears. I felt completely limp just thinking about how they could come here. Here. To the coffee shop I work at. I could see ENHYPEN. I could see Jay. I could meet him. I suddenly heard a distant voice calling my name. It took me a second to realize it was Marsh calling me. "Ashley. Ashley! Earth to Ashley!", Marsh said waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped out of it and looked at my hands, static over an empty cup with the coffee jug still in my grasp. "Oh, sorry Marsh. I zoned out for a bit.", I said and continued pouring the coffee into the cup. "A bit? You were completely out of it as Marsh and I were talking about ENHYPEN~", Tristan said playfully and wiggled her shoulders at me. Marsh looked at us with a confused look. "Am I missing something?", he asked. Tristan secretly eyeballed Marsh as she looked at me.

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