Chapter 3- You deserve to be loved

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"What... What do you mean"?

"Check your coat pocket".


    I looked at him with a confused look on my face. My coat pocket?

    I reached inside my coat pocket and my fingers brushed against a small scrap of paper. My heart started to race. I fished it out of my pocket and looked at it. There was a phone number on it. Oh my God... I looked back up to face Jay but he was gone. No way. No way, no way, no way did the Park Jongseong of ENHYPEN just gave me his phone number. No. Way. I clamped my hand against my mouth to muffle a squeal as I leaned back against the wall to steady myself because I swear that in that moment, I felt all the blood rush to my head. I just stared at the small scrap of paper in my shaking hands. But then, a thought occurred to me. Why?

   Why would he give me his phone number? He knows I'm a fan. So why would he even give me this?


Jay's POV

     I was walking away from the alley, trying to hide a smile. I took the opportunity to leave while she was busy looking at what I left her. I couldn't stay there to watch her reaction because one, I'm late to practice. Second, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from blushing. I speed-walked to the Hybe building and entered. When I arrived at our practice room, I saw the members were just warming up. Thank God. I sucked in a breath and opened the door. Jake looked up from his spot where he was stretching. "Oh Jay-ah, you're here". I gave a small smile and walked towards them. Jungwon looked up from his tablet where he was picking a song to warm up to. "Hyung, where were you"?

     Shoot. I panicked a little but I managed to stay calm so that I won't raise any suspicions. "I went to the convenience store to pick up some corn chips and soda", I lied. Okay, technically that was a half lie. I did go to the convenience store before I met Ashley but I couldn't tell Jungwon about what happened. He'd get really suspicious. Jungwon pursed his lips and nodded his head before he went back to his tablet. Whew. I went over to Jake and decided to also stretch and warm up before practice.

     During practice, I was only half-focused. I couldn't stop thinking about whether Ashley would text me or not. I mean, I know she's a fan but there's something about her that's just...different. And in a way, it drew me to her. I've honestly never felt this way about anybody before. It's strange.

     Thankfully, even though I wasn't fully focused during today's session, I still managed to nail our dance practice and not slip up. We thanked our choreographer and sat on the floor, all sprawled out and exhausted from dancing our hearts out. "Hey, you guys want to go grab dinner"?, Heeseung asked. We all nodded in agreement and started to get up to take our belongings and leave the practice room. Spending time with the boys will hopefully help me get my mind off of Ashley. I mean, it's not like I'm attracted to her or anything. Right?


    Meanwhile, I arrived at the coffee shop and went about my usual routine. Except, this time, I was completely out of it. I couldn't focus at all. I was screwing up at my job for the whole day. I zoned out a bit too much when filling up the coffee jug and burned my hand, I forgot to add sugar to so many customers' coffees, and I accidentally burnt a customer's croissant. Tristan was watching me the whole time with an incredulous look in her eyes. When the shop was about to close and there were no customers left, only then did she approach me and grab me by the shoulders. "Okay, I have been watching you the entire time and it was honestly painful. It was like watching a train wreck. What is up with you"?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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