Test Day

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Monday | At Holmes' Residence

'8:54 am' Jimin sighs in relief.

Parents always get a better impression if you arrive earlier than the appointed time instead of right on time.

Now just before he could step into their driveway, he notices something yellow moving and discreetly looks up, only to smile.

It was Elijah, trying his best to not be visible to his line of vision, so Jimin continues to pretend as if he saw nothing.

Jimin speed walks to the door, suddenly more excited to spend time with him and rings the bell.

Jimin is introduced to Jane, when the door opens who greets him politely, and appearing more dressed up compared to the previous day.

"Good Morning Mrs. Holmes. You look beautiful today"

"You're just being kind" Jane replies bashfully and opens the door wider for Jimin to enter.

"We won't be out for long today. That's why Nicholas thought it would be a perfect day-"

"perfect for test day" Nicholas continues, appearing behind her.

"We already had a talk with Eli and he promised he would be on his best behaviour" Nicholas reassures but the way Jane keeps her eyes on the door, with a stoic face, makes Jimin uncomfortable.

"Uh- Yes. I had few questions to ask before you left.."

"Of course. Go ahead" Nicholas nods.

"Does Elijah have any allergies or foods he dislikes?"

"Elijah is a perfect boy, he has never complained about any food yet" Nicholas boastfully answers but Jane continues right after.

"I have already prepared a file about his foods, likes and dislikes, and the rules and regulations, I will send it to you before we leave"

Jimin is impressed with her preparations and nods his head with a small 'that would be all'.

On the other hand, Nicholas doesn't seem that impressed but Jimin continues to turn a blind eye to the weird family dynamic.

Jane continues to lead him inside and starts explaining and showing him around the house and Nicholas stands at the doorway for a few minutes before heading to the office.


Jimin stands near the doorway as Nicholas and Jane leave, with Elijah standing before him.

"Be a nice kid, okay?" Nicholas asks, looking at his son.

Elijah nods and mutters a tiny 'yes' and something more but it was simply inaudible.

Nicholas and Jane seem satisfied and leave, wishing Jimin luck.

When the door shuts, Jimin notices how Elijah seems ready to dash to his room but he continues standing, feets pointed toward the stairs, shuffling a bit.

"Elijah" Jimin begins softly and gets on his knees, to seem less intimidating.

Elijah flinches, probably not expecting him to talk but nonetheless, stops shuffling and waits for him.

"Do you remember me?" Jimin asks him gently and patiently waits for him to speak.

Elijah nods and Jimin smiles.

"Do you know my name?"

At this point, Jimin is almost whispering but if it helps in making the kid, less wary of him then so be it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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