Chapter 5

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Valerie's eyes fluttered open as the noon sunlight streamed into her room, signaling the start of a new day. Stretching her limbs, she rose from her bed and exchanged her sleepwear for a comfortable combination of shorts and an Army tee shirt. It was a simple choice, but one that made her feel grounded in her soldier identity.

With a rumbling stomach, Valerie made her way to the mess hall, the enticing aroma of food drawing her closer. Spotting Gaz and Cowboy at a nearby table, she joined them, her appetite eager to be sated. The three comrades sat in comfortable silence, their camaraderie speaking volumes even without words.

However, when Valerie's gaze caught sight of Ghost entering the mess hall, her body tensed, embarrassment coursing through her veins. In a sudden frenzy, she hastily cleared her tray, not wanting to face the possibility that he had seen her vulnerable and exposed earlier that morning. Cheeks flushing with heat, she couldn't help but wonder why the thought of his eyes upon her ignited a desire within her.

Confusion and desire warred within Valerie's mind, a maelstrom of emotions that she struggled to comprehend. Ghost's demeanor towards her had always been filled with cold detachment, with no room for warmth or intimacy. And yet, the forbidden fantasy of him watching her change sent shockwaves of excitement through her body.

Shaking her head, Valerie willed herself to push those thoughts aside. It was a dangerous game, one that could only lead to heartache or worse. With a heavy sigh, she retreated to the sanctuary of her room, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings. Deep down, she knew that her desires were a battlefield in themselves, a constant struggle against the forbidden allure of the man she both hated and craved.

The debrief went quickly, with not much to go over as the mission had gone smoothly. Price congratulated Mouse on her first mission and the guys clapped for her. She had finally solidified her place as part of the Task Force. She had done what she set out to do, prove the lieutenant wrong.

After debriefing Soap whispered to her that they were going to the bar just off base at 1900. She agreed to meet him and hauled off to her room. Val sat atop her bed and sighed, holding her finger over her mother's contact name. Valerie's mother Martha was very good at reading her daughter, she'd know there was trouble brewing and try to talk Val into retreating with her tail between her legs like a wounded dog to head back home. None of that sounded like something she could bear to hear at the moment. So she huffed, deciding on a run instead. Hoping to clear her thoughts and push the desire towards Ghost out of her mind.

Upon finishing her run, Valerie's heart did its best to slow down as she walked into the steam-filled shower room, her mind preoccupied with the upcoming rendezvous at the bar. The sound of water cascading against the tile created a soothing backdrop, momentarily distracting her from the chaos of her thoughts.

As she emerged from behind the curtain, the sweat and sleep successfully rinsed off, she wrapped her towel in her wet hair. Clad only in her bra and panties, her eyes caught the sight of an Irish soldier standing near the lockers. The towel he wore wrapped haphazardly around his hips, accentuating the bony contours of his body.

"Now what's a pretty little thing like you doing all alone in here." A wave of discomfort washed over Valerie as the soldier addressed her, his words dripping with an undeserved familiarity. She shook her head, silently willing him to leave her be. But her silent plea fell on deaf ears, for he took two large steps forward, breaching the boundaries of her personal space. Her body tensed as his hand reached out, intending to make contact.

Before the Irish soldier could take another step towards Valerie, a tattoo-covered hand shot out from the shadows, snatching his wrist with a vice-like grip. The sudden twist and wrench sent a jolt of pain through the soldier's body, forcing him to recoil in shock.

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