Chapter Three Point Five

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[Two Years Ago]
Fourteen Years Old

"Your footwork is wrong!" Soren's dad looked extremely annoyed as he observed his son.

"Look, I'm trying!" Soren half-yelled. "I'm sorry that I can't serve or hit as well as Levi, okay? Maybe he's only better than me because he wants to be an outside hitter, so he's been practicing his swing since he started playing!"

"Show some respect, young man." Soren's dad glared at him. "Just because you do not want to be a hitter, does not mean you don't have to learn the skill properly. All volleyball players have to be all-rounders on the court. You can't be a volleyball player if you lack the ability to serve and hit the ball."

"Levi can't set or dig as well as I can!" Soren argued. "He doesn't even practice his dives anymore!"

His dad scoffed, looking disappointed. "Maybe we should've stayed back at our other property." He said. "Then I could get Levi to show you how to spike a ball properly."

"I don't fucking have to spike a ball as well as Levi can!" Soren cried. "What is wrong with you? Can't you just be proud of what I can do instead of berating me for what I can't?!"

"Watch your language!" Soren felt a sharp sting across his face as his dad's face grew redder and redder. Soren was panting, legs shaking as he tried to process what the fuck just happened. "You will not talk to me like that. I want you to have the best odds possible to join a team, and being able to receive the ball well is not going to be saving you when they want you to serve for tryouts."

'At least I can get the ball over the stupid net when I serve.'

"You don't even know anything about volleyball." Soren said. "You just pretend like you know everything when you have no clue what you're talking about."

"Don't you know who you're talking to?" His dad yelled. "Get out! You can walk home for all I care."

'Fine.' Soren thought aggressively. Without changing, he shoved his volleyball back into his bag and stormed out of the gym, starting the hour-long walk home.

As he walked, Soren mind began to wander. He wondered what his life would be like if his dad didn't make them move. He wondered what his life would be like if his dad wasn't always comparing him to Levi. He wondered what his life would be like if he still had his goddamn phone so he could talk to Levi.

He wondered what his life would be like if he was still with Levi.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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