TWO | Into The Forest

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A couple of days passed, days Liam mostly spent learning. He could try out different commands, but the one that mattered the most remained a riddle wrapped up in an enigma.

He worked on it practically all day, rarely getting something to eat - barely enough not to starve. Sleep was not an option, either.

By copying parts of the command history and through trial and error, he only managed to discover what Airy had used previously. That being, spawning (and despawning) the sticky notes, pens and some other competition-related equipment. Now how to do the same with people?

He caught himself staring at the screen blankly, having his head in the clouds. He sighed, too mentally exhausted again. I guess that's it for today. He needed some fresh air, his mind felt like boiling alive.

He got off the stool and came up to the Plane, searching for the contestants. He noticed that they've grown a habit of sleeping in one another's arms or in a group hug; probably because it provided some comfort, and the ground wasn't exactly the best bed to begin with. He felt a bit more lonely just by looking at them having contact, he wished he could be embraced like that now.

Liam slowly limped out of the cave. The night had fallen, the sky filled with stars. Despite utter exhaustion, he took an effort to admire the view for a minute. In this sense, he got lucky: his friends couldn't appreciate the delicate coat of the night sky. He sat on the grass, trying to clear his mind.

No wind was blowing, no leaves were rustling, even the waterfall sounds were unusually muffled. It unsettled Liam how dreadfully quiet everything seemed.

Like the world was anticipating something.

Or someone.

He got lost in his thoughts. Then something caught his attention, breaking him out of the trance. When he focused his eyes on the first line of trees in the forest, he saw someone hiding between them. He couldn't identify who that could be, but was still taken aback: did somebody find him? Was he not alone anymore?

The backpack got up and looked at the trees again. The person was standing still, just as if... waiting for him. He felt a spark of happiness, thinking how much easier it would be to figure things out with two people. Maybe it even was Stone, who somehow found him here?

After all, the events could've unfolded according to some plan unknown to Liam. What if Stone had been waiting for this moment for some reason? Maybe not all was lost?

With that in mind, he strode there eagerly. But as he was approaching, the shadow in the trees blurred more and more, and when he got there, no trace of anybody was left. He looked around, confused, and saw the same shadow further into the forest.

I must be really tired, he thought, but followed the figure nonetheless, not analysing that this whole trip made no sense.

"Who's there?" he shouted, hoping for an answer, but he didn't get one. Must be Stone, he's mute... he concluded and continued hobbling forward.

He walked, walked, walked.

So far into the forest he might have got lost.

"Where are you?!" he yelled again.

And then he walked into... a strange set of lianas.

He immediately stepped back purely because of how unexpected that was. He examined the plants closer, having to sharpen his sight because of poor light.

In front of him were...vines? He admitted they were kind of unusual for this type of forest, as it was not a jungle, but come to think of it, was the computer in a cave any more normal? Liam stood back, dumbfounded for a while. And then...he noticed another weird thing. The lianas were swaying despite there being absolutely no wind.

And...they were moving more noticeably each second. Swinging from side to side; which movements Liam followed with his eyes, intrigued. He stepped closer again.

One of the vines rose in his direction. It shook a little, and then started...changing shape at the end. Some smaller vines grew out of it; the sharp edges rounded out; it reshaped some more, until it looked like a hand, reaching out to the green backpack.

Liam was unsure how to react, but curiosity got the better of him and he lifted his own palm to touch the liana. It emanated with strange warmth, which stunned him: it really felt like a hand of another person. He rubbed his fingers against it, getting the feel of the texture. What a silly thing.

It felt... really nice to be able to... feel that...

A few tears rolled down his cheeks. He instinctively grabbed the plant hand in both of his and continued to knead it, wanting to comfort himself. He hadn't even realized he needed this so much. When did he get so vulnerable that the slightest touch plucked his heartstrings?

The plant slipped out of his hands; it moved even closer and proceeded to stroke his side. Liam had chills and closed his eyes. He didn't understand his feelings at this point. All of them were so complicated that it was easier to dismiss them, and now he couldn't read himself.

Then other lianas glided down to him, wrapping around his body, squeezing him tightly; at first very gently, and then getting more confident. He was so shocked by this sudden amount of touch by something s e n t i e n t that he didn't resist at all. One of the vines got a grip on his handle and pulled him upwards.

He was above the ground now, with all the vines still supporting his body. Despite being confusing, the touch reminded him of the times when people could hug him. It... soothed him. It felt like somebody's arms. It made him sleepy. Was this entity friendly, was this place safe - he didn't know. ̶h̶e̶ ̶k̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶n̶'̶t̶.̶ But the feelings were overwhelming... and he gave in. He cried faintly, releasing his caged pain.

It was easier once he started.

He had accumulated so much stress and sadness inside it would probably never run out. He had tried to forget about it. He made sure to never bring it up... but all of it - every hurtful memory, every lost relationship, every piece of a ruined life just rumbled dully somewhere in there.

And this plant friend ̶p̶r̶e̶d̶a̶t̶o̶r̶ created a safe, cozy space for him to express it.

Liam's mind went blank and he could only feel moisture on his face and some warm things around him.

And he fell asleep in the embrace of the forest.

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