SEVEN | Programmer

243 15 9

Guy Glydenbollocks
I've seen your post about the code
you're dealing with. I can't make
out much from the examples you
included, but it doesn't quite look
like a standard language. I'm
something of a programmer myself
and I'm willing to help. Could you
send me some files here, since the
main site doesn't allow them?

Liam Plecak
thanks for answering. I'm sending
the files
I have no clue about this stuff,
I've only figured some things
accidentally. Please help

Guy Glydenbollocks
I'll look into those and see what I
can do :)

Liam Plecak

Liam nearly fainted out of happiness when he got the message.

Someone replied to him on a programming discussion site and maybe this could speed up the process. Finally. He'd got frustrated so many times when his desperate questions on the forums were being ignored, or when, worse, the mods closed the thread because apparently 'he looked like a troll'. So for someone to treat the issue seriously, Liam felt new faith rising; he hoped this Guy knew his profession well. For the first time, the situation seemed somewhat optimistic.

Not everything's lost. I can free them.

I won't lose anyone else.

He dedicated a large part of his day to working. But for... convieniency purposes... he gathered enough time to replace his cast for the one made by Airy. None of the ones he'd worn fell under the 'medically appropriate' category, but the older cast stabilized his leg slightly more acceptably. He had also made the second crutch after figuring two would serve him better than one.

Agh, he hated being a cripple. Getting around with both legs broken proved to be a tough nut to crack: he needed to make every step carefully and he still tripped often. Luckily the afterlife will heal it, he comforted himself.

All this time, Liam tried not to think about the vines incident. He simply couldn't - and didn't want to - wrap his mind around it, plus he was still too anguished by Charlotte's death, plus he obviously got other things to do. But a feeling in the corner of his mind kept nagging him, eventually forcing him to focus on it.

Something itchy, forcefully put there. It was annoying, it wouldn't leave.

A gruesome way of reminding him that his head hosted somebody he reluctantly agreed to invite. They didn't even need to be here physically now, easily messing with him mentally. 

They seemed cheesed off.

Liam tried to get rid of the itchiness by cooling down his head with water, emptying himself of everything, rubbing his head on a wall, but nothing worked, it relentlessly stayed there. It put him into a constant state of nervousness. The only option left was to give in and let his body try to release it. Right now, he was dealing with it by opening and closing his fists repeatedly.

A new message popped up; he convinced himself to stop and tried focusing on the task at hand to distract himself.

Guy Glydenbollocks
Can you try this out and see
what it does? Just checking sth

struct_undo terrain_info
init_blocks = {.usage =
struct_undo terrain_info

Wow, this man is quick, Liam thought. This better not harm anybody though... He reacted to the message with a heart and copied the command into the tab. 'Enter'. He was tapping the desk with his other hand while observing the screen, on it the funky diagrams meandering and flashing.

Against the Universe - After ONE 18Where stories live. Discover now