2. The heist

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Yeoung-Su took a seat in front of Izotz "So, Ace of Spades, what did you want to talk about?"
Izotz pushed the Patrol Group's report towards him. "There's one last bank left in the state. I say we raid it"
Yeoung-Su nodded. "What group do you suggest we take?"

"Group Ten."

Yeoung-Su's eyes widened "What? B-But ten is basically military! Do you really think it's that dangerous? On the report it says it's not even heavily guarded!"

Izotz narrowed his eyes. He stood up and headed to the map that is framed behind his chair. He pointed to three different points. "Red clovers, Red spades, Red hearts. They all surround the bank. The Red hearts have the most gear, and they're going to be at the bank. I'm sure of it."
Yeoung-Su leaned back in his chair. "Ten it is then."
"Get them ready to leave by tomorrow morning." Izotz turned to leave the office. "Oh, and tell Yessenia to gear up. She's coming as well"


Izotz stood at the front of the group. Yeoung-Su and Yessenia standing next to him. Group ten stands behind them with their weapons ready. On Izotz's command they all walk to the bank. The crunch of leaves under their feet, the bitter wind pecks at their cheeks.
They arrive at the bank a few hours later. Group Ten, along with Yeoung-Su, enter the bank. Yessenia stays outside and goes left, scouting out the perimeter of the bank. Izotz goes the opposite way, his hand gripping his gun at his side.

He walks around most of the perimeter until he bumps into someone else and falls on the dirt. He looks at who it was, his heartbeat quickens. He's looking at a boy around his age, he has brunette hair, sun kissed skin and green-blue eyes.
Izotz knew someone who looked exactly like this, and seeing that face again, he didn't know why, but he felt like stabbing his dagger straight through him.
The boy stretches out his hand "Sorry." He says.
"Nikita! Let's go!" Izotz hears a female voice of someone behind the boy named 'Nikita'. He looks up and sees a girl with red hair and pale skin. Izotz felt, *something* twist in his stomach. Something he didn't feel before. The voice snaps him out of his trance. Izotz shakes off the feeling and ignores the hand. He stands up and he shoves past them "It would do you well to leave." He says coldly.

"Rude" He hears the voice of another person behind him.

After fully scouting out the area Izotz circles back to the front. Yessenia is sitting on the floor refilling her crossbow. "*Puto*! Finished with patrol?" She asks.
"Don't call me that. Yeah I finished patrol". He's still thinking about the boy named Nikita. He still wants to drive his knife through him. Izotz takes a seat next to Yessenia.
"Has Yeoung-Su returned?" Izotz asked


They sit in silence for a few minutes. Yessenia fixes up her crossbow while Izotz reloads his revolver.
After sitting in deafening silence, Yeoung-Su walks out with two duffel bags.

"Five grand. And a few guns and armor." He says with a grin plastered on his face. He tosses them towards Izotz and Yessenia.
Yessenia beams as she looks through the duffel bag. Izotz stands up and shoulders the bag.
"What happened to Group Ten?" Izotz asks
"Uh, well, the bank might not have been heavily guarded, but the few guards that *were* there were loaded. Military, FBI, Yeoung-Su shakes his head. "There's only two left"

Izotz pinches the tip of his nose "We came to the bank for resources, and we lost almost all of group ten." He shakes his head "Did you at least rig the bank?"

Yeoung-Su tosses Izotz a remote. "Yup, we just need to wait for the last two, they have more gear."

A few minutes later two soldiers come back from inside the bank. Their faces are bloody and one of the soldiers has a deep gash across his forearm. Izotz rips the duffel bag from the first soldier. "Nice job." He clicks the remote and the bank starts to blow. The soldiers get caught in the explosion.

"There goes Group Ten..." Yessenia whispers.
They all turn around to leave, the ruble of the bank crumbling behind them.

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