Part 9

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Whirling around, Bonzy's sparkling-shot eyes managed to make out the source of the sound just as two ink-stained fingers appeared from a square-shaped hole in the ceiling, a head popping out. They stepped back, fingers twisting and refusing to remain still in their continuous fury when the head turned and Bonzy realized that they knew that head that appeared out of the ceiling. They knew the golden-streaked cheeks, and the black suspenders gripping two broad and wiry shoulders.

Charlie's concerned eyes washed over Bonzy like water over an oil fire, but they simply huffed when he asked, "what sort of demonic noises are coming out of your mouth?" Bonzy rolled their eyes, kicking a loose piece of wood from the desecrated desk.

"It's Polish, my good man, educate yourself!" Charlie snorted.

"I see...." he disappeared for a moment before his legs reappeared. "Well," Charlie grunted and he dropped out of the vent and onto the bed, legs first, "wanna get out of here and find Audrey?" Bonzy grinned.

"Oh Charles, my knight-in-inky-armor, appearing from the vents to save me." They clasp their hands together and make sure to bat their eyes as Charlie sends them a warning scowl.

"Knock it off, and help me move this bed."

Bonzy shook their head as they knelt next to Charlie and shoved the bed into an inconvenient corner of the room, "you love me, Charles." As they both stood back up, Bonzy felt a sudden wave of affection wash over them, it felt... odd. Like the sheer force of it was going to take them off their feet. It came from nowhere and felt odd, but it wasn't uncomfortable by any means. In fact- they glanced at Charlie, who was mumbling something and looking up into the vent he'd just come from- it wasn't something they'd felt for a long time. It feels entirely... fulfilling?

"Alright," Charlie's voice snapped them out of their pondering, the warm feeling in their chest washing over them steadily as Charlie prepared to boost Bonzy, just like they'd done in the hotel. "Jump up and then you'll pull me in. it'll be better than that bookshelf I sent to the ground when I did this on my own."

A laugh is startled out of Bonzy as they remember the sound they'd woken up to.

"That crash was you , Charlie?" Charlie's ears went slightly pink and Bonzy was delighted, "oh my god this is fantastic! You're a little troublemaker! I'm wearing off on you." Charlie muttered something under his breath but nodded pointedly to his hands locked over his knee. "Okay, okay, yes I'm going."

Taking a small step back, they followed the same movements they'd done before in the hotel, leaping into Charlie's hands, feeling the connection, and the following push upwards after. And within seconds Bonzy's hands were gripping the edge of the vent and they were hauling themself up into it, Charlie's hands on their work shoes, "I don't need any help, y'know," Bonzy huffed with a smile as they got themself into the vents.

They could feel Charlie's shrug without even seeing it as they maneuvered around in the vent to reach down for Charlie, "doesn't mean I'm not going to." Something in those words struck Bonzy, in that exact warm spot in their chest that was growing rapidly. They chose not to say anything but grin goofily at Charlie as a cover-up.

"Tally-ho Charles, we don't have all day."

"We don't have any day at all," came Charlie's dry reply as he stepped back, lanky leg muscle doing so much as he used the wall for minute leverage as he twisted, missing Bonzy's hand. He hit the ground on his rear with a small 'thud' that had Bonzy wincing. "Damn! This ceiling is much higher than the one in the hotel."

"True, Charles, true," Bonzy replied, pursing their lips as they braced their knees against the sides of the vent a little uncomfortably and leaned down slightly farther in reach. "What about this?"

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