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Author- cactiem


Things in Riverdale were tense what with a serial killer dubbed as the Black Hood. Betty was in contact with him and he made her cut off all ties with her friends. The only person she felt she still had was you, her best friend since kindergarten. The two of you were out trying to figure out who the Black Hood was. Things, however, escalated and he made a Betty bury you alive. Fortunately his attempt of killing was a failure and help arrived just in time. You and Betty were both still in shock though and emotions were running high.

As Betty walked you back to your house she stopped in her tracks. When you noticed she stopped walking you turned around and saw tears rolling down her cheeks. "You almost died tonight, Y/N. You almost died because of me." Betty croaked.

"I'm fine, Betty. It's not your fault that some psycho has become weirdly obsessed with you." You said trying to assure her. Out of instinct you cupped her cheek and wiped away the tears that were falling. "Besides, there was no way I was going to die from being buried alive by a serial killer. I'm going to live until I'm ninety and die doing something I love." You joked earning a small laugh from Betty. Silence fell between you and you both remained standing there. Betty's eyes flitted between your eyes and then to your lips. She leaned forward and pressed her lips on yours, kissing you. It was a heat in the moment thing, you knew that but you still liked it. It still caused your stomach to flutter. As she pulled away, Betty's eyes widened realising what she had just done. You couldn't say anything to her though as your phone chimed interrupting the moment. "It's my mom. I have to go." You told her before you started walking back home.

If it was a couple of years ago you would have been over the moon at the kiss. For the longest time you have had a crush on your best friend. Unfortunately, she had eyes for someone else. Your red headed friend, Archie. You knew you couldn't compete with him. He was the definition of boy next door. The person who your parents would be glad you brought home. Now though you don't know how to feel about the kiss. Betty kissed you in the heat of the moment and after you almost died, because of her. You knew it didn't mean anything to her but to you it meant so much.

The next day you were getting books you needed for the day out of your locker when Betty came up to you. She wore and expression you couldn't quite figure out. "Can we talk?" She asked. You nodded, hitching your bag up on your shoulder and followed her as she led you into the Blue and Gold office. "That kiss..." Betty started and you knew where this was going.

"Do you regret it?" You interrupted catching Betty by surprise. "The kiss I mean."


"I know it didn't mean anything to you but to me it meant so much. Not because I almost died but because it finally happened. The girl I've liked for so long finally kissed me." You said, admitting your feelings for her after keeping them to yourself for ages.

"Look, Y/N, your my best friend." Betty started but once again you interrupted her. You recognised the tone. It was the one used to let someone down easy.

"And that's all I'll ever be, right? Your best friend." You glumly said. "I'm not upset at the fact that's all we'll ever be. I made my peace with that years ago. No, it's the fact you kissed me even though you don't feel anything for me. Even when you knew I liked you because I know you did Betty."

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." Betty apologised.

"I know." You nodded sadly. "I just- I need some time." You told her and then walked out leaving Betty to watch you with tears in her eyes. She never meant for this to happen. She never meant for your friendship to be ruined.


This one was kind of short but this was all I could so far, anyways let me know what you guys thought about this chapter


But before I go gimme a little kiss

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