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Author- bumblesimagines


Speeding down the long stretch of road, the flash of lights and whooping of the siren behind you made you groan. "You've got to be fucking kidding me.." With a sigh, you slowed the vehicle and pulled over. The siren cut out, but the lights continued as the car pulled up right behind you. "Just my fucking luck..." You grumbled, opening up the glove compartment. "Car full of fucking drugs.."

Hearing the door shut for the car behind you, you got your papers ready on the passenger seat and started to roll down your window. Your eyes were shut, your head shaking as you internally cursed at yourself as the boot falls moved closer until they stopped at your window.

"You know why I pulled you over?" The voice sounded familiar, but in a small town like Riverdale, why wouldn't it.

"Nope." You popped the 'P' with a bit of sass. "But I bet you'll find a reason and tell me." You were met with silence, so you finally looked up at the man standing by your window. Jacket undone so you could see how the brown button up shirt underneath hugged the expanse of his chest. The sheriff badge gleaming in what little light there was. But that face, even hidden behind glasses and under a wide brimmed hat, you knew that face. Squinting to get a better look, it hit you when his lips curved up into a smile. "Jones?"

He licked his bottom lip with a huge shit eating grin and pulled off the aviators.

"You asshole! You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!" You scoffed, hand going to your chest. "Thought I was about to get busted with all this shi-"

"Don't tell me." He stopped you. "And the answer is speeding." he pulled out his ticket book.

"Oh, no, Jones, come on.. Please? You know I can't afford another speeding ticket."

"Then maybe next time you're running shit into town, don't drive like an asshole. Just doin' my job, sweetheart."

"Fuck." You cursed, head going back. "Serpents don't pay me enough for this shit.." He chuckled at that, and you shot him a pointed. "Can't we work something out?"

His tongue darted out, licking over his bottom lip again before he bit down on it and gave you a once over. "Maybe we can."

You could feel tiny rocks, dirt and blades of grass digging into your knees, but you didn't give a shit. You couldn't care less about any cars that might happen past, or if they might stop for the show. Nothing else mattered other than the drag of FP Jones on your tongue as his hips moved forward and back.

You looked up at him through your lashes, the flashing of the red and blue lights washing over the both of you. His hat was forgotten on the hood of your car, along with his glasses, so his hair was hanging down into his eyes as he looked down at you, mouth opening a touch more with every breath he let out. "Fuck.. You always were damn good with that mouth." You hummed around him at the praise, and his head fell back with another curse. "Shit.."

Your fingernails scraped against the skin of his thighs, just above the waistband of his slacks. Your tongue moved whenever he pulled back, tracing the vein the ran along the underside of his shaft, and dipping up to tease just under the head, when it was all that was left in your mouth. The one sweet spot that always made FP's knees buckle under him. You hummed again, when you were rewarded with the muscles of his thighs twitching under your fingers.

"You keep doing that, I ain't lasting long."

Pulling back just enough that he fell from your mouth, you gave him a cocky but teasing smirk. "Like you ever do with me."

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒︱𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt