SCP-003 (The bioligical Motherboard)

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SCP-003, also known as the "Biological Motherboard," is an anomalous object classified as Euclid by the SCP Foundation. It represents a complex and enigmatic artifact with both mechanical and biological components. 

Item: SCP-003

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures SCP-003 is to be stored in a secure containment chamber at Site-36, with access restricted to Level 4 personnel and authorized research staff. The containment chamber must be sealed and kept at a temperature not exceeding 0.01 degrees Kelvin. All personnel interacting with SCP-003 must undergo thorough decontamination procedures before and after contact.

Description: SCP-003 is described as a complex mechanical and biological entity, often referred to as a "Biological Motherboard." It measures approximately 1.5 meters by 2 meters and appears to be a large, flat piece of fungal tissue resembling a circuit board. Embedded within this organic material are various mechanical and electronic components.Key features and properties of SCP-003 include:1. 

Biological Components: SCP-003's primary anomalous aspect is the presence of living tissue within its structure. This tissue is similar to fungal mycelium and has shown limited regenerative capabilities.2. 

Mechanical Components: Embedded within the fungal tissue are a series of mechanical and electronic components, including wires, transistors, and capacitors. These components appear to be integrated with the biological material in an intricate manner.3. 

Energy Emissions: SCP-003 emits low levels of radiation and electrical energy, which fluctuate over time. These emissions are believed to be a form of communication or interaction with its surroundings.4. 

Unpredictable Activity: SCP-003 demonstrates sporadic periods of activity, during which it produces complex electromagnetic patterns and radiation. The purpose and meaning of these activities are not fully understood.5. 

Potential for Containment Breach: SCP-003 has the potential for causing a massive containment breach if its containment chamber is compromised or if it is exposed to higher temperatures. In such a scenario, it may undergo a transformation into an aggressive, anomalous entity known as SCP-003.Research on SCP-003 is ongoing, with a primary focus on understanding its nature, origins, and its possible connection to other anomalous phenomena. Due to its unpredictable behavior and potential for danger, strict containment procedures are in place to prevent any unauthorized access or accidental breaches.Please note that SCP-003 is a fictional creation within the SCP Foundation's universe and is not based on real-world science or events.

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