SCP-004 ( The 12 Rusty Keys and the Door)

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*SCP-004, also known as "The 12 Rusty Keys and the Door," is a fictional object and part of the fictional universe created by the SCP Foundation, a collaborative online writing community. SCP-004 is a particularly enigmatic and potentially dangerous anomaly within this fictional universe. Please note that all information provided here is based on entries available up to my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, and there may have been updates or changes to the SCP-004 entry since then*

Item: SCP-004

Object Class: Euclid

Description:SCP-004 is a collection of twelve rusty iron keys of varying shapes, identified as SCP-004-1 through SCP-004-12. Each key is attached to a unique and seemingly unrelated door, designated SCP-004-A through SCP-004-L. The keys exhibit no unusual physical properties when compared to ordinary keys, but they have been shown to be indestructible.

The doors, SCP-004-A through SCP-004-L, are also anomalous. They do not appear to be connected to any building or structure, instead existing independently in different locations around the world. These doors have been observed in various types of environments, ranging from urban areas to remote wilderness locations.

Some of the notable doors include:

- SCP-004-A: A door located in an abandoned warehouse in [REDACTED]. This door is constructed of wood and bears a red and white "EXIT" sign above it.

- SCP-004-F: A door located in the basement of a private residence in [REDACTED]. This door is made of metal and has no distinguishing features.

- SCP-004-H: A door located in a cave system in [REDACTED]. This door is carved from stone and features intricate carvings of unknown origin.- SCP-004-J: A door located within a dense forest in [REDACTED]. This door is made of a metal alloy and has an electronic keypad lock.

When an SCP-004 key is inserted into the corresponding SCP-004 door, it can be turned and unlocked. Once unlocked, the door can be opened, revealing a dimensional portal leading to an extradimensional space beyond. These spaces vary significantly in appearance and nature and are often described as surreal or impossible. The interiors of these spaces are designated SCP-004-2 through SCP-004-13, corresponding to the respective door they connect to.

Exploration of SCP-004-2 through SCP-004-13 has revealed a range of environments, from idyllic landscapes to hostile and deadly ones. These environments may contain entities, objects, or phenomena unique to the specific dimension. The nature of these dimensions and their contents is highly unpredictable, and encounters with hostile entities have resulted in casualties among Foundation personnel.

Of particular note is SCP-004-13, which is an extradimensional space accessed through SCP-004-K. This dimension contains an impossibly long staircase leading downward. The depth of this staircase is unknown, and despite extensive exploration, it appears to have no end. Attempting to descend it has not yielded any conclusive results.

SCP-004 presents a considerable challenge to containment due to its scattered and unpredictable nature. Foundation personnel are tasked with monitoring and securing both the keys and the corresponding doors, as well as conducting research to better understand the properties and origins of these anomalies. Unauthorized access to SCP-004 doors is strictly prohibited due to the potential dangers they pose.

This information is accurate as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. For the most current information on SCP-004, I recommend visiting the SCP Foundation website or consulting more recent sources within the SCP community.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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