I'll be always by your side (Jotaro X Reader)

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Warning: The story is about a very difficult condition a person can find themselves in. If you are sensitive to such topics, skip the story <3

Lately your whole life is falling apart. Your beloved grandma, who was your support, died because of cancer, you're being bullied at school, all your friends left you alone, your parents are working all the time, and you're left completely alone, without no one that you could turn to for support.

Your depression is just getting worse since the last few months and you stop having the will to do anything. Your little dream was to find a boyfriend, only to have someone close to yourself. To have someone that will take care of you and will help you through the hard situation.

Cutting yourself wasn't helping anymore, as well as taking various stimulants. You were trying every possible method to relieve yourself, but nothing was taking your pain away, that you were feeling deep inside. You saw no other option.

With tears falling down your swollen cheeks, you wrote goodbye letters to the people that you loved, even though they were practically no longer in your life. You wanted them to know it wasn't their fault, but you just couldn't deal with it anymore.

You packed all the letters in separate envelopes and signed them so that people reading them knew that this particular one was for them.

You felt your heart pounding as you placed all the envelopes on your desk, in a visible place. When you thought everything was ready, you put on your hoodie and left the house.

Your parents were also at work that evening, so no one knew about you leaving late.

As you walked through the streets of your hometown, you looked around anxiously, to make sure no one knew where you were going and for what. However, at this time of year and at this hour, the streets were almost empty.

As you are walking to your destination, you looked at the places where you were growing up. Now you're sixteen, so you don't go to playgrounds like you used to with your grandma. Just thinking about her brings tears to your eyes. Your grandmother was a really good person. The best you ever knew. However, the disease had other plans for her.

Wiping your wet eyes with the back of your hand, you took your first steps onto the bridge. You walked to the middle of the bridge and stood in front of the railing. You looked around one last time to make sure there was no one around.

When you were sure, you quickly put your legs over the bridge railing. You looked down and it made you hesitate. You had been afraid of heights since you were a child and now you were about to jump down to end your suffering.

After a few moments, despite your fear, you leaned forward and felt your body fall off the edge of the bridge. It's over. All the bad moments of your life will be behind you. You'll finally have peace.

Just when you thought you were going to die in a few seconds, you suddenly felt a sharp tug upwards by your hood and you were thrown back onto the bridge.

- What the fuck are you doing?! Are you crazy?!- A nervous and low voice rose at you, and confused you didn't know what to do. Your final way out of a terrible situation has just been ruined.- How old are you that you want to end your life already?!

You slowly raised your head and looked into the eyes of a very muscular boy. When you saw that ocean color of his eyes, you had no doubt who he was. You haven't seen those eyes for so many years, and they are still as beautiful as they were.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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