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Advik's initial enthusiasm wavers as he processes the weight of his decision. He gazes at the Mysterious Figures, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and unease.

ADVIK: (tentative) So, you want me because of my potential, cuz I'm the strongest?

MYSTERIOUS FIGURE 4: (gravely) Advik, don't misconstrue our words. Your potential is exceptional, but strength in TEW Squad is relative. It doesn't necessarily equate to being the strongest.

Advik's brows furrow as he grapples with this revelation.

ADVIK: (insecurity creeping in) Wait, you mean there are others in the squad who are even more powerful than me?

MYSTERIOUS FIGURE 1: (with a solemn nod) Yes, there are members in TEW Squad whose abilities have been honed to a level that surpasses even the most formidable foes. Strength comes not just from inherent potential, but from relentless training and experience.

Advik's heart sinks, and he realizes that he's stepping into a world where the line between life and death is razor-thin. The reality of his decision becomes painfully clear.

ADVIK: (swallowing hard) So, if I faced a member of the TEW Squad... I could end up...

MYSTERIOUS FIGURE 2: (interrupting, empathetic) It's a harsh reality, Advik. The world we're preparing you for is unforgiving. But remember, it's not just about raw power. Strategy, teamwork, and adaptability are equally crucial.

ADVIK: (gritting his teeth) I understand. I've made my choice, and I won't back down. But I need to know everything about this... this world I'm stepping into.

The Mysterious Figures exchange a knowing look. They understand the gravity of Advik's decision and the challenges that lie ahead.

MYSTERIOUS FIGURE 3: (reassuring) You're taking a significant step, Advik. We'll provide you with the training and knowledge you need to survive in this world. But remember, it won't be easy, and there will be sacrifices.

ADVIK: (determined) I'm ready. I won't let fear hold me back. I'll do whatever it takes to protect humanity from these parasites.

Inside the dimly lit room, the four Mysterious Figures exchange glances, their silent communication conveying their readiness for the next step. They dial a number on a secure line, and soon, the heavy door creaks open.

In strides a figure clad in a sleek TEW Squad uniform, exuding an air of authority and experience. This is Maroot, member number 5 of the squad. His presence commands respect, and his eyes, hidden behind dark shades, seem to carry the weight of countless battles.

MAROOT: (nodding to the Mysterious Figures) I heard we have a new recruit.

MYSTERIOUS FIGURE 1: (gesturing towards Advik) Indeed, Maroot. This is Advik, the one we've been discussing. He possesses incredible potential.

Maroot approaches Advik, his gaze sharp but not unkind. He extends a gloved hand.

MAROOT: (stoically) Welcome to the TEW Squad, Advik. I'm Maroot, number 5.

Advik grasps Maroot's hand firmly, feeling a sense of reassurance in the grip. He notices the scars on Maroot's knuckles, a testament to the battles he's fought.

ADVIK: (with determination) Thank you, Maroot. I'm ready to learn, to become a part of this squad.

MAROOT: (nodding) Good. We'll start your training soon, but first, there are some things you need to know about the TEW Squad and the world we live in.

As Maroot begins to brief Advik on the intricacies of the TEW Squad, the room fills with the weight of their shared responsibilities. Advik knows that this is the beginning of a path fraught with challenges, but he's chosen it willingly, determined to make a difference in a world threatened by parasitic invaders.

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