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In the heart of the city, hidden within the shadows of an abandoned building, Max sat alone, his eerie laughter echoing through the desolate structure. His eyes, once filled with life and warmth, now glowed with a sinister crimson hue, a stark reflection of the parasite's malevolent presence that had taken residence within him.

MAX: (laughter, tinged with madness) Ahh... the world will tremble before me.

The room was shrouded in darkness, save for the faint, flickering light filtering through broken windows. Dust particles danced in the feeble glow, creating an eerie ambiance that mirrored Max's inner turmoil.

The parasitic creature that had merged with Max's consciousness reveled in the chaos it had sown. Its voice, an unsettling amalgamation of Max's and its own, resonated through the chamber.

PARASITE: (whispers, tinged with sadistic pleasure) Today, I would have evolved further, transcended the limits of this pitiful human host. But that wretched sword...

The parasite's laughter erupted once more, filling the air with a chilling dread. It knew that its journey towards complete control had been impeded, its physical form damaged in the confrontation with Samrat's sword. Still, it had achieved a formidable hold over Max's mind, allowing it to harness nearly seventy percent of its full, destructive potential.

MAX: (grinning, a malicious glint in his eyes) No matter. This city... this world... it will bow before me. I will become an unstoppable force, a harbinger of chaos.

The parasite's laughter intertwined with Max's voice, creating a dissonant symphony of madness. It reveled in the knowledge that its power would continue to grow, its insidious influence spreading like a virus.

As Max sat alone in the abandoned building, the echoes of his laughter faded into the obscurity of the night. The parasite's grip on its host remained unrelenting, biding its time, knowing that the world would soon witness the devastating consequences of its parasitic invasion.

The next morning :-

The pre-dawn stillness enveloped the trio Singha, Maroot, and Advik - as they traversed a narrow valley shrouded in secrecy. Clad in their TEW Squad uniforms, they moved with a sense of purpose that belied the uncertainty of their mission.

ADVIK: (whispering to Maroot) Maroot, are you sure about the coordinates?

MAROOT: (nodding) Positive. The source of the recent parasitic activity is around here somewhere.

The valley, flanked by towering cliffs, seemed untouched by time, a pristine oasis of nature's beauty. But the squad knew that beneath the tranquility lay a brewing storm of parasitic energy.

As they ventured deeper into the valley, the serenity was abruptly shattered. Massive stone pillars and objects, seemingly animated by some malevolent force, materialized before them. Advik's eyes widened, and his heart raced as the sheer number of obstacles threatened to overwhelm them.

MAROOT: (calmly) Advik, stay close and watch.

In an instant, Maroot raised his hand, and an invisible shield formed around him and Advik, a translucent barrier that deflected the incoming projectiles. It was a breathtaking display of power and control.

The barrage of stones and debris crashed against the shield, their impact sending shockwaves rippling through the protective barrier. Advik, shielded by Maroot's skill, watched in awe as the force shield held firm.

SINGHA: (calling out) Advik, stay behind the shield!

Singha, positioned to the side, nimbly dodged a massive pillar that hurtled toward him. He moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, displaying an agility that contrasted sharply with his towering stature.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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